This was me yesterday.
After cleaning the house from top to bottom (including mopping the kitchen and scrubbing toilets...well the toilets that haven't been shattered by my terrorist cat) I told LaLa "Do NOT make a mess!" The first thing she did when she got home was ask for a snack, then she proceeded to throw the wrapper on the floor. I burst into tears. Irrational? Probably.
Conversation from last night while I was trying to get LaLa in bed:
Me- Hey kid, time for bed.
LaLa- I don't want to go to bed.
Me- Don't you want to go to school?
Her- umm yes. I mean no!
Me- It was a rhetorical question, get your PJ's on.
Her- What is rhetorical?
Me- It means it doesn't matter what your answer was, you're still going to bed.
Motherly teaching at it's finest I tell you!!
I just had a cheesey chicken burrito for breakfast. Don't judge me people.
I just laughed for the first time today, then promptly got weepy. Now I'm eating chocolate chip cookies - we're walking clichés!
What's wrong with a chicken burrito? I just ate a piece of pizza. Is that wrong too?
Geez, I wish my kids were that easy.
Way cool parenting!
rock on with your rhetorical self
How was the cake?
LMAO! MY GF is totally crazy too! if a commercial comes on thats even remotely cute she will burst into tears. We were mother's day card shopping and everyone made her cry! im like WOW! lol
Mmmm, cheese!
I say take comfort wherever you can get it.
So THATS what that means.
It all makes sense now.
I WISH I had a chicken burrito to eat right now! No judgement from me, sister!
There are very few things that aren't fixed by burrito.
I had a loaded omelet biscuit from Hardee's...how can I judge?
Ahh, chocolate cake does seem to solve all problems.
I had the same old oatmeal for breakfast, so a chicken cheese burrito sounds like heaven my friend.
I'm like that without the PMS... what can I say? I'm special like that! You get extra points for old-school Nintendo princess usage.
Oh, and you've got something waiting for you at mah bloggy blog. Come n get it!
What, a cheesy chicken burrito for breakfast isn't common?
LOL.... PMS is alive and well at this house right now too. Crazy is definitely residing here.
And right next to the rhetorical questions is "Because I said so."
I just cried because I didn't have a cheesy chicken burrito for breakfast.
I sometimes tell my kids not to do something because if they fall and hit their heads, their brains will fall out. Terrible, I know, but it works!
Isn't parenting fun stuff??
I've had guacamole and tortilla chips for breakfast on more than one occasion...just so you know.
Nothing wrong with a burrito for breakfast as long as you resisted the margarita.
Fantastic! Very funny.Loved it.
:-). What is it about cheese anyway? How it can fix a person?
When PMS strikes the only cure is to eat what ever you want. No judgement here! Been there, done that...will do it again in 24 days!
where's my cheesy chicken burrito??
I think you did rather well. You have buritos, I have cupcakes. C'est la PMS.
Ha! This is hilarious. Er, the comic, not you, dear. A cheesey chicken burrito sounds like the right thing for a day like that. Maybe followed up with a bit of chocolate!
That comic is priceless! LMAO!
And sometimes, those are just the best days ever. ;o)
And hell I eat Skittles for breakfast, I couldn't say shit really.
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