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Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear So and So...Don't Tempt Me

Dear Chocolate Birthday Cake,

I see you over there. Calling to me with your siren song of chocolately goodness. The ooey gooey goodness of your buttercream frosting will not tempt me. Mmmmmm cake. So so yummy.... No I will not give in. You are evil. Maybe just one slice. Or two. You win.

In Heaven,

Dear Life,

BUGGER! BUGGER! BUGGER!!!! Throw me a frickin bone here!

Seriously. Kat

Dear Unfortunate Looking Lady,

I am really sorry that you look like the Edgar, the guy that got taken over by the alien in Men in Black...but could you get your Land Rover in gear and drive the thing? Seriously it is the long skinny one on the right. Put your foot on it and press, that make the car go. For goodness sake!

Move It!, Kat


Dear The Man,

Have fun on your TDY. We'll see ya in a month. We have plenty of things we will be doing to keep busy; visit from my brother, visit to mom's house. We'll be fine. Take care of yourself.

Love You, Kat

Dear Readers,

If you are taking part in Dear So and So, don't forget to link up!

Love Ya!! Kat


Badass Geek said...

Cannot. Resist. Cake.

susan said...

I'm with you on the temptation. I made maple cream frosting and had about 3/4 cup leftover. I walked STRAIGHT to the sink and ran water in the bowl...I am not to be trusted :)

Anonymous said...

Cake. You had me at cake. And Susan said maple frosting so fab now I want a chocolate cake and a maple donut!

Where did I put the car keys??

Anonymous said...


Aunt Juicebox said...

Man I'd love some comfort food cake right now. Being sick makes me cranky, and cake would make me feel better.

mo.stoneskin said...

Chocolate cake certainly is the tool of the devil, that's for sure.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Oh, cake, how I love thee. Let me count the pounds..

Unknown said...

I love the Dear So and Sos.... and yours was a great as ever.

Vodka Logic said...

TDY I remember those. My dad used to go on them from time to time.

I may be on a diet but I can never resist chocolate cake.

Pollyanna said...

I'm pretty sure it's a sin to ignore cake. Good thing you've avoided Hell :)

Captain Dumbass said...


Captain Dumbass said...


Meg said...

Love me some cake. Mmmmmm. Mine never seem to get frosted, I eat the frosting straight outta the can. Yup, that's right. I don't make it from scratch.

Renata said...

Cake. CAKE. Must have cake.

Thanks for reminding me. ;)

Ahhh Yes... said...

Super excited to have my very first Dear So and So post! I love reading your's and so many of the others that participate. :)


Reinvent Dad said...

I agree with you and Badass....gotta luv the chocolate cake.

just me said...

ooooowwww I have been getting plenty of my fix lately....happy now but will be a miserable old cow on Monday when I get on the scales !!!
Trying to link my Dear so and so not sure if I did it right xx

just me said...

Kit Kat please help me... I'm trying to link to your Dear so and So button sure if it has worked. and how do I get that button?
Sorry to pester you.

Carrie said...

I did it. I am participating. I am a participant! I feel all social and gooey and part of something larger than me, oh boy.

Organic Meatbag said...

Whatever cake you don't eat, I will eat it...I will eat the hell out of it and will appear to have the literal shit-eating grin... just say the word...I'll make the problem go away...

prashant said...

I'd love some comfort food cake right now. Being sick makes me cranky, and cake would make me feel better.

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kanishk said...

You had me at cake. And Susan said maple frosting so fab now I want a chocolate cake and a maple donut!
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Anonymous said...

You cannot imagine how thankful I was to stumble upon was a much needed stress relief for me! :D