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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Notes From Charleston or How Jet Lag Made Me It's B*tch

So I have always been on of those people who thought Jet Lag was more mind over matter. I believed I could WILL myself not to be jet lagged. I was wrong. I was so so so so very wrong. The first three days that I was here I felt like I had sawdust in my eyes and was extremely lethargic. I pretty much just wanted to sit on my mothers couch and veg, which of course is not an option. In fact my mother decided to spring the extra fun treat of a dental appointment (she is a dental assistant) in on me yesterday (but that is another story for another day).

My general tiredness has been exponentially increased by the fact that KiKi thinks that 4am is an appropriate time to wake up and play Nintendo DS. Oh yes, imagine my joy. Bask in my joy. Compound this by the fact that when LaLa is extremely tired she has night terrors and talks in her sleep. Last night she slept walked. Thankfully I was still awake and caught her before she reached the stairs. Another positive is that it gave me the opportunity to make her use the bathroom again before I went to bed.

This morning though, I am determined not to let my tired body get in the way of a good time. We are headed down to the battery and white point gardens so my kids can see the harbor and chase pigeons in the park (all be it they are puny pigeons compared to England (cause oh my goodness the pigeons in England are the size of a chicken)). Then we will head to Auntie A's house for some well deserved baked goods and spoiling. I will of course post pictures as soon as possible!

Picture of The Battery (harbor) in Charleston not taken by me, but gives an idea of where we are going...


Miss America said...

I, too, until recently believed that you could "overcome" jet lag by simply willing it away. Not the case at all. My poor Gent drove all the way to Heathrow to pick me up, got stuck in traffic on the way home and I repayed his kind service by going straight to sleep. Can't even imagine it with kids!

Badass Geek said...

I feel like I have jet lag today, and I didn't even fly.

Vodka Mom said...

I have jet lag and I don't even fly.


Vodka Mom said...

dang it. Badass Geek was reading my mind.

Mom in High Heels said...

Oh, how I hate jet lag. I suffer with it for at least 2 weeks. It's awful. Evil. Torturous. I'm sorry you're dealing with it.

that girl said...

Just got back from a trip out West, I have jet lag sooo bad!

Anonymous said...

Yikes, jet lag is no fun...but that place you are headed sure looks nice!

Big Mama Cass said...

Jet lag is sooo hard! I hope you have a great day, it looks like a beautiful place!

Captain Dumbass said...

I remember waking up in Paris at 11:30 in the morning the day after arriving. We jumped outta that bed and got out of hotel like it was on fire!

Expat mum said...

Well, if it's this bad coming west, chances are it'll take you less time to get over it on the way back to the UK. It usually takes me two days - one day of waking up at noon, the next day at 10am and I'm good to go. Coming back to the UK, at least a week!

Anonymous said...

Pasta Pasta Pasta - I swear I have NO idea why it works (maybe the carbs,) it will kick Jet Lag's a$$ to the curb. Works every time for us.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

How can those pigeons be any bigger? Like chickens? Really?

Pollyanna said...

Well, thankfully LaLa won't smell like a homeless person twice in one trip :)

Irish Gumbo said...

Jet lag is a way of life for me. (yawn) erg.

Hey, can you send some shrimp and grits my way? That would be awesome!

Pics, please!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised it's killing you so much in this direction, I normally only suffer on the back-to-England leg. Must be the kids :-)

Cape Cod Gal said...

Dude, 4 AM is the perfect time for video games. You're such a buzz kill! ;)

Meg said...

Jet lag SUCKS. I had it horribly when we flew from Canada down here to NZ a couple months ago. Someone told me if you go to bed at a normal time for where you are, and get UP at a normal time for where you are, then it'll help. I call bullshit on that.

Feel better...and have fun!

Vodka Logic said...

Wow a dental cleaning, glad you came home for that I bet.. I won't go into the British and teeth jokes.

As for jet lag, after my trip to England last year it made me realize that is how I live my daily life.. I work the night shift.

enjoy.. the US

Amanda said...

I've always been a beliver in jet lag, but at the beginning of my last trip, I decided I had been wrong. Right up unitl I realized that I was going to bed at 9 pm and naturally awake at 6 or 7 and that is not a normal thing for me. It wasn't immediately obvious, because some of the places I was didn't have electricity, so everybody was going to bed.

Unknown said...

If you haven't already done so, drive over to and visit Savannah, my beautiful home town! Afer you feel better, of course.

Jess said...

Rainbow Row and Sullivan's Island are both childhood memories for me! Love that area!

Hope your jetlag has subsided cause you are gonna need to stay awake tonight.

Joyce said...

Peaking in at your blog today and I had to laugh about your daughter smelling like a homeless person. How lucky to be living in the UK. I often go to Charleston as it is just a hop skip and a jump from Hilton Head and only 6 hrs. from Atlanta. Enjoy your time in the states with your family and shop at Target again.

Jacquie said...

Oh!!! Gosh! I wish I had gone to Charleston with my friends this weekend like I wanted! I could have been all I totally read her blog!!! Jet lag is not a nice thing at all!

Anonymous said...

wonderful blog lol. My English hub and I are relocating back to the UK next spring, cant wait!

Sandy said...

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who isn't bothered by jet lag, especially going west. If you felt back this trip, wait until you head back to the UK!