I was so angry when we got back to the hotel from our drive to the estate agents office that wasn't, that I called a friend of mine who lives in Sheffield (which is about 3 hours drive from here) and proceeded to bitch about the lack of concern about a schedule that these agents had. Thankfully, I have known this girl for about 4 years and she is well informed about my tendency to overreact. She did have be laughing my ass off telling me about her pitfalls in buying a house. Apparently, my problems with estate agents are not unique. We both had a good laugh about the "it'll do attitude" that I have noticed in England. Oh and the fact that most (older) public toilets have two spouts of water in the sinks, one for hot the other for cold, so you can't get warm water. You burn then freeze you hands while you wash them. My four year old, she isn't liking that approach for washing her hands. Go figure. More adjustments to be made to suit myself for English life. Don't worry guys, I'll get the hang of it.
Oh Tismee, I drew a diagram of what I think you were talking about in your American driving situation. In this case, car A (the blue one), would have the right of way should they meet at the intersection at the same time. This is because the road car A is on is considered the "main road" in the car park (parking lot).

A note to my Brit readers, I was in no way complaining about England, but we sincerely had a really terrible day today. When you think you are finally going to get the keys to the house and find out on the way to the to the appointment that you are not, it is extremely frustrating. I just want to be in my own house, in my own (borrowed) bed, and not having to deal with the maids every day and their lack of leaving toilet paper (for which I have had to hunt them down in the middle of the day for).
You poor thing! I'm getting stressed just reading all the crap you're having to deal with.
As for complaining about England? Please DO COMPLAIN. It's so funny and you're right about everything.
I constantly moan about so much in this country and I plan my escape at least once per month. I moved here from Africa when I was 18 and STILL can't get used to it.
I think the no tp thing would bother me the most.
They are definitely more laid back than Americans. But just think what relaxed person you will be when you get everything settled and get into the groove of it. Then when it's time to come back to America, you will remember that we are all way to uptight!
Fingers crossed for everything to go well!!!
I love to hear about the differences in England. I do not really consider it complaining...... Find a pub and have a guiness. I hear it is much better over there!
I can imagine your stress! At this point, I'd be dang tired of hotel life. I hope things get worked out today, just wish it sounded like they would so you could actually have something accomplished as a result!
Hang in there and have a Merry SITSmas!
:^) Anna
You can have the same wonderful experiences in the states. Hopefully the laid back rubs off on you at least...
Oohhh...a new game. Toilet paper tracking.
Wait about an hour after the maids leave, then "On your mark....get set...GGGGOOOOOOO!!!!!"
You and the hubby and the kids tear out of the hotel and split up...first one to find toilet paper WINS!!!
no tp???? savages!
I hope it smoothes out soon!
wow, that is awfully craptastic. i hope you get your keys tomorrow.
also, crap is one of my favorite words and I'm really glad to see you using it here, and using it so well.
Thanks for explaining the right of way thing - I will remember that in April!
1. Estate agents go out of their way to be awkward - so don't worry it's not just you.
2. Taps have always been one hot one cold - all MY sinks apart form my kitchen have two taps and it's a reasonable new house.
3. If it makes you feel better, for every complaint you have about England - I can come up with one about the US?
i.e Those self flushing toilets that flush the minute you lift your butt - scare the shit out of me they do! (excuse the pun)
Ugh. That sucks. But you'll get there!
Wow, that has to be soooooo overwhelming.
Ugh, you poor thing! I thought my Thanksgiving was bad! You beat me by a mile!
So sorry to hear about the crappy day. I know how you feel, my life has been full of them lately!
Hopefully we are on our way to sunnier days ahead!
That sink thing would drive me crazy! It's too bad that you can't just go get all of your own stuff and then send them a bill. Having no control over it has got to be rough. Hang in there, baby!
That makes for a long day, especially when there is craptasticness and no toilet paper.
You have *got* to sabotoge that toilet paper cart -- grab a shitload (ha!) of rolls when ol' maidey's not looking...
Just popped over from Gail's (Tismee2) blog. The cultural transitions would be interesting, if not frustrating. How's the food over there?
Do the sinks have stoppers? You could try running the water into the bowl, soaping up and rinsing that way.
I don't know, maybe you should take your friend up on her offer. It's only for a week and you can treat it like a vacation. When I go visit my sister in Florida, I always stay at her house instead of a hotel and it's a lot of fun. I know we couldn't live with each other on a long term basis, but a week is great.
I'm new here! What a great blog :) ♥ Hugs!
Honey, I feel for ya'. I'd be a basketcase right now! I don't do well in hotels, I'd much rather be at home in my own bed!
I hope you have a MUCH better day tomorrow!
Peace be with you
I hope things smooth out soon - one would think they could only get better. And I suppose the weather isn't helping much at this point. Chin up--and keep us posted.
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