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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

English Food-1 Kat-0

Last night for Domino's birthday we all went out to a local pub for dinner. It was a very cute place, extremely kid friendly (the bar part was on the opposite side from where we were eating), and the service was really good*. I had bangers and mash (sausages and mashed potatoes covered in a brown onion gravy) and it was really good. Well I thought it was really good. It tasted lovely and it wasn't until I tried to go to sleep that I realized I had made a fatal mistake. You see, we don't have any kind of antacid type medicine in the house...and well the bangers and mash, yeah they gave me indigestion and heartburn that felt like the fires of hell were creeping up my esophogus. Of course me being a night owl, I don't figure how bad this whole indigestion and heartburn situation is until midnight-ish.

The next 3 hours I spent tossing and turning, praying for sleep, considering the possibility of murdering my snoring husband and trying to talk myself out of attempting to sleep on the Motel 6 quality living room furniture. Needless to say I got very little sleep lastnight. Caffiene is my friend.

On a side note(s)- Domino literally pulled in my driveway as I was about to go get her birthday present yesterday. I told her "Damnit I was on my way to get your birthday present" and she threatened death upon me if I get her anything. Well I don't listen very I am going to get her a present today. I am thinking either a cute handbag or one of these cute necklaces I saw at the BX on Saturday. So if she kills me, at least she will have a cute handbag or a nice necklace to show for it.

Also, our car has reached England. It is waiting at the ports to clear customs. The Man is heading up to the ports to give them some paperwork today and then we should be able to get it on Friday. You guys remember my car right? The lovely Jeep Compass that I only got to spend 6 days with before I had to put it on a boat to England. The Jeep we were not planning to buy but had to at the last minute because our Jeep Grand Cherokee was leaking like sive and they wouldn't ship it in that condition. Well it is finally here, ahead of schedule, and I am going to get to drive it soon. Now...I just have to figure out how to drive an American car (with the steering wheel on the left hand side of the car) on an English road (very narrow..oh and did I mention they drive on the opposite side of the road). Should be fun right?

*Good considering you have to order your food at the bar because they don't have waitresses. Good considering that you have to get your own drink refills by going to the bar. But the bartenders and one host were really really nice and were prompt with bringing the food to the table.


Badass Geek said...

I would much rather have the fires of Hell come creeping up my throat than down my colon.

Cameron said...

Heartburn. Sucks.

kel said...

I love Bangers and Mash!! I have an iron stomache though!

ChurchPunkMom said...

yay, heartburn! not.

Mama Dawg said...

I so wish someone would take vid of you driving. It could be like a lesson to all Americans thinking of moving to England! You could make pooploads of money on You Tube!

Anonymous said...

The bangers revenge! Poor you!

I suppose if pubs provided proper waitress service as in a restaurant, everything would be more expensive.

*Note to self - keep away from the roads in Kat's area of Britain*

Cape Cod Gal said...

YUM! Sausages and mashed potatoes!!! Little known trick for heartburn...warm milk. It's a base and heartburn is an acid. Works like a charm!

Heather said...

ooooh English food, yummy! Sorry about the heartburn though.

Captain Dumbass said...

I'm hungry.

zipbagofbones said...

Sorry about the hell fires - my minions were bored and they were driving me up the wall. So I sent them your know, to get them out of my hair.

Unknown said... should get her a t-shirt too. "I killed my friend and all I got was this cute handbag."

Jen said...

that does not sound like fun, the heart burn or driving. I hope both work themselves out soon.

Anonymous said...

Definitely get the necklace. Then she can strangle you with it and kill two birds with one stone! lol

Anonymous said...

Bangers and Mash now eh? didn't take you long to settle in then?

How are you coming to terms with the no free refills of soda?

The only places that do that are Pizza Hut and Costco!

It's pastry that gets me every time.

for a different kind of girl said...

Even with the possibility of acid reflux, my desire for bangers and mash remains ever strong!

Mama Dawg said...

I saw this and thought of you!

Lola said...

I guess the bangers lived up to their name! Poor you ;(

Sprite's Keeper said...

Note for next time: gum. Totally kicks the heartburn!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead a buy yourself a cute purse, too, just in case your fatal mistake turns, well, fatal. At least you can go knowing you knew how to accessorize.;)