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Friday, December 19, 2008

The Man's Thoughts Vol.I

So there I was....sorry I was practicing for the new family blog (which I named "so there I was in England" by the way...clever I know)...anywoo. So there I was thinking, all of my wife's fellow bloggers have never heard from "The Man", so it is time for what I will call "The Man's Thoughts." Don't everyone cheer at once....I know you guys couldn't wait. I think that I will post every week or so, letting all of you into the mind of "The Man"....funny I never get called that around the house....Anyways on with the show.....I was thinking tonight as I listened to a little "Master of Puppets" by Metallica that I really should have mailed myself my guitar and associated equipment. I just picked up my new hobby last year and I figured that a couple of weeks without my mistress would be alright. Little did I know that it takes many moons to get TV and internet hooked up in England once you move in!! So I am TV-less for the most part(we only have free air channels right now) and internetless, well I guess I'm not internetless now but I have to share time with Kat, and I can't read my book anymore cause if I do then I will fall asleep at 6 pm because, well it gets dark at 4pm, and I have been busy running around since 5 am. That won't do. Hindsight being 20/20 I had a epitame. If only I had mailed my guitar to myself I could be rocking out in my Man Room (which I will probably put a keg-a-raitor in eventaully with Strongbow...its delicious). But, alas I cannot rock out. I could even being rocking out on Rock Band, but my XBox is with the rest of my household goods which isn't coming till January. There will be a light at the end of this tunnel though....cause I work with a guy that has played guitar for 15-16 years and we will rock out (damnit!)....hopefully I can learn a thing or two for him. So in the meantime I guess my super bad ass air guitaring will have to work. Well that is it for tonight folks....Kat will probably not like it when my guitar gets here but she will understand....hopefully...or I will be sleeping in my man room....till next week's volume of "The Man's Thoughts".....till then ROCK ON!!!


MikeH said...

I hate to tell you, but if you mailed your guitar to yourself, it wouldn't be here until Easter, and even then it would be in about twelve pieces.

Cameron said...

You most certainly are "The Man"...and here's why:

You have a Man Room, you are getting a keg-a-raitor and you get to jam out (when guitar is within vicinity). Dude, how did you do it?

I left my testicles at the door when I got married. Actually, I take that back, I think I gave them up when we had kids. I don't have a man room, I have a "children's play area" where the man room was supposed to be. I don't get to jam out, I don't get a beer fridge or a keg-a-raiter, although our regular fridge contains more alcohol than food.

So, to "The Man", I say "You are...ya know, the man!!!"

mommy dearest said...

you are so lucky to be married to my daughter and to have me as your mom-in law.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Great post, The Man! My husband has a man room, his office, and a man garage. When it comes to cleaning both, it's all his.

kel said...

My husband wishes he had a man room.. oh wait, he does call the bathroom "his office".. does that count?

Cape Cod Gal said...

Big K is the same way! Except he has his guitars....all 7 of them! The man can barely play but he has 7 guitars, 6 amps and countless pedals. I bet I could FedEx you one by Xmas.

Anonymous said...

It is nice meeting "the Man". English beer, yum yum. American beer sucks!

zipbagofbones said...

Gray's been "rocking out" on the same damn Metallica song - And Justice for All - for WEEKS AND WEEKS and it's stuck in my head, all day long, on just a continuous cycle of riffs - no LYRICS, of course, because all I hear is him playing the solo over and over and over AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

ChurchPunkMom said...

I also call my husband something on my blog that I do not call him in real life...

tho, other people call him that in real life, from what I hear..

Jenny Grace said...

Nice to meet you Man :)

Unknown said...

It's nice to finally meet the man behind "The Man." Why not just buy one to tide you over? I'm sure Kat will never even notice. I won't tell.

Anonymous said...

GREAT idea!

Mama Dawg said...

Rock On!

(all I can picture when I hear that is Wayne and on, boys, party on)

Kristin said...

See that's what kids are missing these days...imagination! Have fun with the air guitar. Don't put any ideas in Mike's head about man rooms and kegerators. :)

Captain Dumbass said...

Sigh. I wish I had a man room.

Lola said...

Maybe Mrs. Claus can give you a second mistress for Christmas ;)

Good to hear from The Man! Oh, and the Strongbow is my man's favorite beer.

Vodka Mom said...

I always wondered where "the man" lived. Now I know.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hey you didn't have the comments on the post above this one!!!

#8, LMAO!! In the Army it's referred to as Household 6...."6" being the Command Element. I have cards that say so too, lol!

The Stiletto Mom said...

Oh, I can't let my husband see this...the man room, the's all going to be too much for him...I'm thankful he doesn't play guitar though, I've seen the damage he can do on Guitar Hero and it ain't pretty folks. No need to replicate that in real life. :)

Great idea to have you post....nice to "meet" you!!!