This is the mascot for Chruchill Insurance over here in England. Yes, he is a lovable little character. His commercials are hilarious. He seems good natured. The only catch is, I don't want to in anyway resemble his physical appearance. Sorry, Churchill.
So, guess what? Kat is on a major diet now. Starting yesterday, I joined SparkPeople. It is a free diet website. The program resembles Weight Watchers, only without the meetings. You also count calories instead of keeping track of points. It is sensible eating and portion control (two things I really suck at-which I totally blame my father's side family for. No really, thost people can really eat!!). Oh and I am supposed to exercise. We'll see about that. I am not really an exercise girl. Walking to LaLa's school in the afternoon is about all the exercise I can stand sometimes. Maybe once I get a couple of pounds off I will be more inclined to exercise.
Right now I am at *cough* 204 lbs *cough* and by the end of the year I would like to be down to around 160. Being that I am fairly tall, any smaller than that and I would look gaunt. So 160 it is. I will keep you guys updated on my progress, but I in no way want to turn this blog into a weightloss blog. This is just one of the things I am doing right now.
So, guess what? Kat is on a major diet now. Starting yesterday, I joined SparkPeople. It is a free diet website. The program resembles Weight Watchers, only without the meetings. You also count calories instead of keeping track of points. It is sensible eating and portion control (two things I really suck at-which I totally blame my father's side family for. No really, thost people can really eat!!). Oh and I am supposed to exercise. We'll see about that. I am not really an exercise girl. Walking to LaLa's school in the afternoon is about all the exercise I can stand sometimes. Maybe once I get a couple of pounds off I will be more inclined to exercise.
Right now I am at *cough* 204 lbs *cough* and by the end of the year I would like to be down to around 160. Being that I am fairly tall, any smaller than that and I would look gaunt. So 160 it is. I will keep you guys updated on my progress, but I in no way want to turn this blog into a weightloss blog. This is just one of the things I am doing right now.
Good luck w/ the diet! You can do it!
But that mascot is pretty darn cute! ;)
I too am losing weight! It just takes will power!
I don't know if I could cope with dreaming I look liked the Churchill dog.
Maybe I am the Churchill dog. That could be why I haven't been dreaming it - the dream would be too obvious...
Well, good for you. Just keep walking. I mean, not far away, just leave early to pick up your girl, and do a loop first. Walking is the very best thing.
I wish you good luck! My signal was always when I'd catch my reflection and think I was holding a small child on my back from the back rolls pushed up over my bra. So not hot! Spark People is a great choice to go with, and it's great that it's free.
Good luck to you! I am also trying this portion control crap. And, I too, suck at it. I have learned that if you set your mind to it, you can make it happen.
Good luck!
I like the mascot!
Good luck with the diet!
I HATE Churchill. What an annoying thing to see on tv, I swear when he comes on I want to strangle him. Is it just me or does he sound like a pedophile when he says "ooohhhh YESSSS". Eww. Good luck with the weightloss babe. You can do it. Just stay away from the tricky bits like pork pies and jam doughnuts (two of my faves).
I encourage you in your weight loss endevour! I did the Weight Watchers thing one time and it worked quite well. I still use the portion control method whenever I start feeling my weight getting a little on the up and up. I can usually drop about 15 lbs in two months doing eating the smaller portions. It isn't instant weight loss, but in 8 weeks I always feel better!
I'm here for you if you need support in the weight loss arena.
I'll tell you, the exercising does work. I dropped 2 dress sizes and 20+ lbs in 6 weeks by portion control and walking 5 miles a day. It's doable.
Go holla at that award I left ya on my page.
I'll take your weight, but only if it goes to my chest... which is massive already, but I'm going for a Hulk look.
I just told my husband last night that jowls were appearing on me and that was NOT cool!
I lost 30 pounds recently by walking every day for 20 min., drinking lots of water and just cutting out the junk food! I really just started eating a balanced diet, having some chocolate when the mood hit me and that was it!
I know you can do it!
Hey, good luck!! We can do this together, "across the pond" and all! Here's to getting back into our skinny jeans!
good for you! i get that feeling about my mini-chin - i can feel it when i talk and it totally wiggs me out.
Woot! Kat's joining the club!
No worries, hon.. walking LaLa to school actually *does* count as exercise. ;) Walking is great exercise.
and I so hear ya on the jowly thing.. not a good feeling.
wait.. did Captain Dumbass just admit he wants boobs??
Well. Good luck!
I hate the term "diet" - my wife & I call it "heightened conscientious portion control" or HCPC...oh and I get that feeling when I shave and see my turkey neck...good luck!
I wish you luck. I so need to do this.
Funny, Brit Gal just posted the same thing yesterday and I told her about Spark People. I think it's a good site for tracking calories. I know it's tough. I've been trying to lose the same 15 lbs for two years.
Yay for diets! I'm sorry, I could barely get that out without gagging. Diets suck. Ass. For sure.
Would it be highly inappropriate to start reading all your posts with a British accent? I think I shall give it a try.
Dieting is so awful - best of British luck with that.
I'm also reducing, but slooowly - only eating wholegrain, reduced portion sizes and upping the exercise.
It's amazing how quickly the stomach gets used to eating less.
Hey, I'm watching what I eat now, too, since I refuse to buy a whole new wardrobe. We'll do it together girl!!!
I'll duck my head as I type the words, "exercise is really a necessity." Sad but true ;( If you watch what you eat, walking will do it, so it's not that bad.
good luck!!!
You can do it!!! Best of luck-- and just think of how great you'll feel. It's not even about the number- you're going to have so much extra energy!!
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