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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Extreme Times Call For Extreme Measures

I am sick of laundry. Seriously I do laundry ALL the time. Every time I get it to a manageable level all of sudden dirty clothes come out of the woodwork and attack me. Right now my house looks like all of my closets and chests of drawers have puked all over my house. I am D-O-N-E. Today is going to be spent doing laundry and weeding out old clothes that we either don't wear or we don't need. I have even considered chopping our clothes down to 7 articles of each item of clothes i.e. 7 shirts, 7 pairs of trousers, 7 pairs of underpants, etc. and then donating all of our other clothes to charity. Either way something has got to give around here. I am not a Wash-A-Teria.

In other news, I have been given 3 awards in the last week. I feel so bad for not getting to them and passing them out properly. I promise ladies I am working on it, I just have not been able to get my head out from underneath the pile of clothes that I am under.

Oh and Mama Dawg is having a contest over at her place. Go there and try to win something!


Mom in High Heels said...

I hate laundry. Hate it. With the heat of a thousand suns. It could always be worse though. For me to do laundry, I have to go down 4 sets of stairs. We live on the 3rd floor and the washers and dryers are all in the basement. Some of the quarters here have w/d in the apt, but we don't.

satakieli said...

Oh man I hate laundry. Washing it isn't sooo bad, but putting it away? FORGET IT.

Which reminds me. I unfortunately have a load to do today.

Badass Geek said...

I don't mind laundry so much. I just make the wife do her own, because she has SO MUCH MORE than I do.

Bobby G said...

I do laundry once a week, never more tha 2 loads, I have to tho, not enough clothes! lol

mo.stoneskin said...

Being out of the house so long each day I come out of the day relatively unscathed - by the laundry I mean.

My poor wife does two or three loads a day because one little bubba just produces SO MUCH washing!

for a different kind of girl said...

As I sit here staring at yet another basket of laundry in my living room - at least it's folded, but not put away, because I went upstairs last night to put laundry away and found the boys decided that rather than put their previous clean clothes away, they just dumped all the folded stuff on their floors, which? NICE!! Grrrr... - all I can say is I feel your pain. I get tired of touching dirty clothes all the time.

Joanie said...

Thanks for the reminder... I have a light load, 2 loads of towels and a load of sheets to do. By then, my work uniforms will need to be done.

But hey! Look on the bright side! At least we don't have to take the clothes down to the creek and bang them against a rock to get them clean!

Anonymous said...

I don't mind washing and drying, but the folding sucks donkey butt. Arrrgghhh... I didn't get rid of my other clothes but certain ones are the only things in my rotation lately.

Chairman Bill said...

Since moving in with Hayley, she does all my laundry. She offered! Who am I to deny her this little pleasure?

Mama Dawg said...

Awwww, sweetie. Thanks for the shoutout. You rock.

And I hear you on the laundry. And on weeding out clothes. We just did that for our summer stuff. Sigh.....

Jess said...

Chests of drawers - reminds me of the time my friend thought it was chester drawers. Hilarious!

Laura said...

Just burn it!

Captain Dumbass said...

I don't mind the endless laundry, I just hate the FREAKING socks! Aside from me, all the socks are the same size.

Jenni said...

is is so my life. i feel like i should be standing in a freakin river with a rock and a washboard.

Momo Fali said...

That's why postal employees go crazy...because the mail never stops. Same thing with laundry as far as I'm concerned.

Heather said...

I'd probably save a few more pair of socks and undies than just 7 if I were you. Kids have accidents still at their age, but I feel your pain on the rest of it, and shoot why not pare down to even half what you currently own? You can buy more if you need it down the road.

Cape Cod Gal said...

There are only two people in our house and I do 2 loads a night!! I swear it never stops!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, my laundry gets to the point where I consider throwing it all away and buying new clothes. I've actually done that when someone needed sox. The part that makes it so hard for me is that I have to go to a laundromat. Oh how I detest that place!! But until this house remodel is finished, it's either that or using the bathtub.

Elle Charlie said...

I don't love laundry either, but I'm guessing you have a lot more of it than we generate w/just the two of us. Still... I feel your pain - it never stops!!!

Jen said...

So with you on this. HATE LAUNDRY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate laundry! I nanny for a family of 6 and I do ALL their laundry all day 5 days a week and then come home and have to do my own laundry.

Lawyer Mom said...

We just wear dirty clothes. It's easier that way.

Lola said...

You know I'm with you on this one!!!!

Jessica said...

We are living the same laundry life, it appears. I can spend an entire weekend washing every piece of laundry in our house, and two days later... it is everywhere again. Laundry is like Gremlins... multiplies and multiplies and multiplies... LOL!