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Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear So and So...You Lookin at Me?

Dear Offspring,

I know your daddy is out of town. Believe me, I am very aware. You do not need to make me more aware of it. In fact refrain from the following in order to make life more tollerable:
1. Whining
2. Crying
3. Whining, crying and saying "I want Daddy!" (Daddy wouldn't give you what you want anyways...ok maybe he would but still)
4. Hitting
5. Complaining (Yes, you do have to come with me to the base real quick. I can't just leave you at the house).
7. Not doing what you are told the first time. (I know you can hear me!)
8. Tattling.
9. Snubbing the menu. (That is what we are having for dinner, get over it!)
10. Destroying the house.

Get it? Got it? Good.

Love, Mom

Dear Elizabeast,

Stop tipping the garbage in the kitchen!! Argh! I know you are on a diet because you are a fatty, but really it is for your own good. I can't stand waking up in the morning to rubbish strewn from the kitchen to the living room. It is maddening. So ether quit doing it or grow opposable thumbs and learn to clean it up yourself.

It's too dang early for this, Kat

Dear Mums at Preschool,

We have this weird dynamic since we all arrive to drop off our kids at different times in the morning. There are a few who talk and then those of you who act like you are on a commando mission. Get in, drop off kid, get out and nobody gets hurt. You might become blog fodder. Apologies in advance.

*snicker*, Kat

Dear Weather,

Next time we do this warm to cold shift, can we make it a little slower. 75 degree to 50 degree temperature shifts in two days wreaks havoc on my body. Oh but on the plus side, I smelled someone burning in their wood heater. I love the smell of a good ol fire. Heaven.

Respectfully requesting, Kat

Dear Readers,

I hope you have a lovely weekend. If you are going to participate, link up and let everyone read you letters. It is a great way to start your weekend.

Love, Kat


Dorset Dispatches said...

So with you on the switch from warm to cold. We've got blissful 80F weather going on here, and they are predicting snow next week. I'm scared....

Amy W said...

Great letters, as usual. :) I am linking up and participating today! I've been stewing on a letter to me eldest for awhile, but ended up finding that I had lots of other little notes I wanted to send.

Thanks, Kat!

Mwa said...

My husband is going out of town, too. I feel your pain.

Irish Gumbo said...

That whining/complaining thing?

Duct tape...

(just kidding) :)

Anonymous said...

Mm, I love the smell of fires (so long as it's not my house ON fire). Happy weekend!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I just linked up-very funny! I think random letters in my head somedays...I guess I am not the only one!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Duct tape? Too funny (yet oddly tempting...)
Uh-oh, I was one of those drop and run pre-k moms. Didn't want to waste a second of that precious time. Or maybe I'd left the other kids home alone...can't quite remember. (JK of course)

Claire said...

Hi new to the blog. Loved the commando mums one!

Mango Girl said...

I hope the kids behave better. Start a fire of your own...I too love the smell of a fire.

Have a lovely weekend, whine free!

Badass Geek said...

We had a cat once that would dig in the trash for scraps, because my wife had a habit of giving the cat scraps of food during dinner.

It was annoying (and gross).

Anonymous said...

oh, leave the kids alone in the house, they'll help Elizabeast with trash digging!
Agreed on the smell of's lovely and quite common in my neck of the woods!

Joanie said...

I hear you on the warm to cold.

I'm with Gumbo on the duct tape.

Rebecka said...

I feel your pain. Trash all over the bathroom and into the bedroom... ick!

Have a great weekend!

Sprite's Keeper said...

My kid is constantly asking for her father when it's something she doesn't want. WHEN do they grow out of that phase?

Captain Dumbass said...

We've been super lucky in the weather transition department. It's usually been raining since the first week of September by now, but all we've had is sun. Sucks to be you.

I'll pay for that, I know.

Keely said...

I'm totally one of those commando moms...

Ron said...

Blog sniper picking off the commandos - love it. When you get 5 confirmed posts they give you a medal.

You have a nice weekend too.

Jen said...

I loved these.

Cassie said...

Love the letters! Tried my hand at it today. Hope you like!

Aunt Juicebox said...

You know, I have recently read that if you feed your dogs canned food, they are less likely to gain weight. It's the corn in dry food that makes them fat supposedly.

Amber Page Writes said...

How fun! I decided to write my own and link up. It was very cathartic. Thanks!

Jacquie said...

I don't think we ever grow out of the Daddy stage, I know I still go up to him and ask for things I know my mom would say no to.

Although now when I go up in that sweet sing-song "daddy??" I usually get a "I'm broke and no, but what do you want"

Anonymous said...

Found you from The Un mom's post for Dear So and So. Great idea!

Loved the first letter to your children... that was me with my gremlins on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Good times.

Thanks for sharing,

Merrily Down the Stream said...

I like the letter idea. I post ones I have received but I like the idea of ones I would LOVE to send. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

This is one of my most favorite things EVER! Thanks, Kat!

Loudlife said...

Love this idea! Participated for the first time, but wasn't that cranky today (which usually leads to verbosity!), and so it was a little short.

honeywine said...

It's amazing what both kids and dogs will try to get away with. I trained Pas to stay away from garbage cans, but it doesn't always work if there is something particularly lovely (i.e.-stinky) for him to search out.

Randa said...

I'm sorry to hear the weather is making you feel a little ookie but I have to say...I'm a bit jealous. Here in sunny Florida its...just...ew. I'm SO over this summer.

Raven said...

I'm so with you on the weather thing. We went from 90 and humid to freezing cold then snow. While I love snow and I'm not complaining about that, it was quite an abrupt switch.

Sounds like your little one is driving me about as crazy as mine is!

My letters are a bit late, but they are up.

Have a delightful Sunday.


Wendy said...

Oh, geez. The trashcan thing? That is why our own beast, Guinness, sleeps in a crate. The crate is so huge that it takes up half the dining room (good thing we never use that room). If we try to let him sleep out of it, he jumps onto our bed and tries to chew on our heads, poops everywhere, and wakes the kids up, and empties the ice out of the fridge via the ice dispenser and gets into the trash, and....

It's like living with Marmaduke.

All kidding aside, a crate (or a bed in the bathroom) can save your sanity. If you don't want to close her up a baby gate works, too.

Laura McIntyre said...

Why do kids have to act up the minute daddy is way? Mines do the same...

angelsandurchinsblog said...

Am new to this, but clicked through from Brits in Bosnia (thank you, though ooops, suspect a less than productive work day now!). Will get going on the Dear xxx - looking forward to the therapy!

Ellie Belen Ambrose said...

Weather is sooo uncooperative. I thought I had a few weeks more to get it together. Couldn't it just drop 10 degrees instead of 30?

Pseudo Commando mom: Watch the kid while he walks up to the school, just in case he looks back. Want him to know that I'm a very concerned parent. If he is occupied with his buds, I peel out of there because he isn't going to look for me.

Anonymous said...

I really, really must do this. Though the fact that the elder has recently learnt to read unnerves me a little. Especially sympathised w/letter to offspring. Wonder what they'd write if given a chance?

Anonymous said...

Blog fodder...hehe....

PS Thank you for stopping by on my special day!

Big Mama Cass said...

Did your letter to the offspring work?? I will give it a try if so. :)