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Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's 7PM...What is Your Child Doing?

Mine is making a caterpillar out of apples and tangerines for her school harvest festival.


Insomniac Mummy said...

Harvest Festival, now that brings back memories.....mainly of being dressed as a carrot.

Cool caterpillar!


Amy W said...

That is adorable. I am loving the school that my kids are going to here-- it just seems like more of a community for the whole family, not just the kids. :)

unmitigated me said...

First comment on this side of the pond!

No self-respecting caterpillar wears a fruit sticker on its head. Unless it's a punk caterpillar, in which case you are way out in front of the cool pack.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Sprite's harvest festival is a little different. All the kids are bringing in one apple each. Then they eat it for snack and draw pictures. The end.
Yours seems so much cooler.

Mama Dawg said...

Now that's a tasty caterpiller.

Captain Dumbass said...

Not that I'm judging your parenting skills, but your daughter is yellow.

Maybe it's my monitor.

Vodka Logic said...

Our school didn't even have one.. :(
cool caterpiller

Jess said...

Oh. Yeah. I was totally doing that last night. Except it was tangerine vodka.

Unknown said...

Well that's just darn cute.

mo.stoneskin said...

Does that mean by the time we're reading this the poor thing caterpillar been mercilessly eaten?

Anonymous said...

Cute! Mine was crocheting a blanket for her cousin. Ok a small one, like for a stuffed dog...

prashant said...

No self-respecting caterpillar wears a fruit sticker on its head. Unless it's a punk caterpillar, in which case you are way out in front of the cool pack.

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kanishk said...

I am loving the school that my kids are going to here.

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