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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RTT- Vacation Random

It's Tuuuuuuesday! Throw your hands all up in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care...oh and click on the fabulous purple button to get the rest of the days random from the master of random Keely.


So, my mother's dog, Puppy, he doesn't understand that the backyard is "outside". If you are out there and you say "do you want to go outside?" he runs to the front door.

My mother has figured out how to figure out if KiKi has been in a room...if the light is on, she has been there. My mom goes through the house turning off lights and KiKi is right behind her turning them all back on again. Vicious cycle people.

On Sunday we went to CharlesTown Landing, which is where the first settlement of Charleston was located. We got some very pretty pictures while we were down there.

KiKi does NOT like to be called Coconut Head. Just a warning.

So I went to a concert at a church in the middle of the sticks on Sunday night. I was riding with my mom, my granny, my aunt and the pastor's wife of my mothers church. The pastors wife was driving. So we were looking for this street and by our calculations off of mapquest we knew it was coming up. We were also battling the sun which was very strong and setting on the horizon, making the street signs VERY difficult to read. So we ALMOST missed our turn...going about 45 miles an hour. Basically the preacher's wife did a power slide into the church parking lot. It was awesome.

It isn't a party at my parents in laws house until someone tells someone to get the beer out of the family a baby shower. Or shall we call it a baby-que..half baby shower half barbeque. Basically we all sat around told my sister in law her cute her belly was, ate massive amounts of BBQ and drank some beers (of course she didn't drink, duh), ate cake, and opened presents. Good times had by all.

Ok I am randomed out. Stay tuned for more updates. More pictures tomorrow. I'm out ya'll, have a fabulous Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Baby-Que, lol!

The 5 year old I nanny for does that same lights trick. Drives me nuts!

Unknown said...

Also love baby-que, and what's wrong with the non-pregnant folks having a beer to celebrate? Everything doesn't have to have the word "traditional" attached to it.

Badass Geek said...

Who wouldn't want to be called coconut head?

Michele said...

Baby-que. Perfect word there. congrats to your SIL & brother.

Does the pastor's wife drive for NASCAR? That was too funny.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That's too funny KiKi turns the lights on as your mom turns them off... :)

AWESOME pictures! No Coconut Head nickname for KiKi, eh? ;)

Baby-que...Love it!

Happy RTT! :)

Jess said...

I was going to say something about how different it must be to go from Savannah to riding in the car with the preachers wife, but then she pulled a Dukes of Hazard and that tells me she must be a pretty bad ass preacher's yeah.

LMAO! Get your beer out of the baby shower pictures...awesome! I have only been to one baby shower where there was beer and I have to say, it was the most enjoyable one I have EVER been to!

Design It Chic said...

baby-que?!? that's a funny word:)
Happy Tuesday!

*my random thoughts are up too:)

Anonymous said...

Love the power sliding into the parking lot. GOd's on her side though right so it's all good.

Happy RTT!

Jen said...

What is it with kids and lights. Mine turn them on all over the house too. It is not good, especially at 5AM.

Laufa said...

Love the pic of the kids holding hands! My son doesn't like to be called baldy - go figure.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the Pastor's wife. Hey ... a girl's gotta turn where a girl's gotta turn.

Pollyanna said...

Love that first picture of the girls - almost looks like they get along and like each other. Hmmm, you should blow this up, frame it, and hang it in a prominant place in your home. We all need a reminder that sometimes our children aren't screaming, fighting maniacs.

Gotta love being in the States - beer & bbq is just better here :)

Liz Mays said...

No beer in the photos, lol. That's funny.

My daughter who's constantly haranguing me about being "green" is the worst electricity offender!

Frugal Vicki said...

You made me nostalgic, we used to tell my cats it was time and they ran for the bedroom. Well, now they pee on me if I leave them in the room (lol, that was actually my RTT!)

Why wouldn't anyone want to be called coconut head? I just can't figure that one out.

I am Harriet said...

Dogs aren't always the smartest thing on the planet.

Have a great RTT!

Toni said...


Happy tuesday!!

Raven said...

No Coconut Head. I can understand that. Sounds like you had a great baby-que! I'm glad good times were had. That's always important.

Happy RTT!

Anonymous said...

My 4YO for some reason calls EVERYONE coconut head. Where'd he get that? Spongebob or something?

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Baby - que!

Much better than a stuffy old baby shower!

Meg said...

Seriously? She doesn't like being called Coconut Head? Weird.

I wish I could find someone to pull a high speed turn for me. That sounds like fun.

Mike said...

Hide the beer! hahaha! I was looking at old family photos and thought that it was really funny to see how many people were smoking in the photos!

Captain Dumbass said...

Next time you come back for a visit can I come too? I promise I won't call Kiki a coconut head if she doesn't call me one first.

Captain Dumbass said...

Oh, and stop messenging me when I'm not home. Wait til I'm here.

Jim Styro said...

I want to attend a baby-que just like the one you describe. I can hide beer with the best of them.
And how come you're don't message me when I'm not home. I'm jealous.

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Love it! We do the same thing with the beer in the family photo and all! And, I heart Charleston -- it's so pretty there! Happy RTT!