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Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Cameron over at Get the Stink Off, kinda gave me an award, if you count telling people to grab it if you didn't have it as giving it to me. Cameron has an awesome blog and I read it everyday, even when he hasn't updated, because I am one of those people who just checks all their normal blogs everyday even if it isn't updated int their reader. Yes I have issues. Anyways, go over there for a good laugh.

Here is the pretty award, isn't it fab! Look at that sassy hat and cute little purse dog!
This award apparently comes with strings attached. I have to tell all you fab people about 5 things that I think are awesome.

5 Awesome Things
1. Bath & Body Coconut Lime lotion and body butter. I smell so good I want to eat myself.
2. My fake Burberry purse. This thing is as big as a suitcase, ya'll. I think I could fit a small child in it if I wanted to.
3. English bacon. Extra super duper yummy. It is wider than American bacon (like three inches wide, whereas American bacon is like an inch wide), and a little thicker sliced, and has a ton less fatty areas on it.
4. Calling a backyard a garden. It sounds so much nicer than yard.
5. Saying Oy! It is kinda like an American saying "Hey" to get someones attention. Example "Oy! Knock it off"

Because I am feeling as generous as Cameron, I am going to pass this on to everyone who reads my blog. Because frankly if you can put up with my drivel you deserve it ;)


Vodka Mom said...

I love BB and BW! (And who doesn't love bacon?)

Unknown said...

Lol...I've using Oy! since HS (of course back then, the word f*cker usually came right after it.) It's a mighty fine word. Almost as versatile as dude.

Anonymous said...

Oy! Well done you!

*wanders off to make a bacon sandwich*

Mama Dawg said...

Awwww....I think I'm going to start saying "Oy" instead of "hey". That'll get me even more strange looks!

Cameron said...

So.....isn't it just ham at that point? ;)


Lola said...

Oy!! Now I want a BLT, and I got no B or T. Thanks a lot!

Captain Dumbass said...

Hmm? The kids ignore when I yell 'hey' at them. Maybe if I throw out an 'oy' it will confuse them into listening to what I'm saying.

Jenni said...

Okay, so I couldn't even finish reading your post after I read your description of English bacon. Serioulsy, why hasn't anyone ever talked about this before? That's so awesome. I love me some bacon.

Cape Cod Gal said...

OY! OMG! I love bacon! I also love the Coconut Lime Body Butter! Wearing it right now!

Michele said...

Oy, My guys love English bacon. Wish we could get it around here.

Jen said...

Congrats on your award. You are so loved.

Anonymous said...

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
Sorry, that is what my mind was saying

Sprite's Keeper said...

Aw! you're sweet!

OhCaptain said...

Congrats on the award!

Bacon is always good and I have no idea what a real Burberry purse is.

Anonymous said...

I say "Oy!" all the time. :) I need to cut back on my BBC time. lol

Jenny Grace said...

Oh thanks! Love.

Grand Pooba said...

oh, but I'm a first time reader. I followed you from Ya Ya's blog. Cute award!

I LOVE me a big purse!

Anonymous said...

I need to find a purse big enough to fit three kids, unfortunately I haven't been able to find one.

kel said...

I'm new here! Love your blog! I love Coconut Lime stuff from Bath and Body Works.

The Stiletto Mom said...

She's so FANCY!!! I love that award!

Shout out to you over at my place. Come on by! :)

zipbagofbones said...

Congratulations on the award (kinda)!

Anonymous said...

Niiiice....are there any pics of the outside of the house? I wanna see!!!
