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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions

It appears that I inadvertently participated in The Spin Cycle which is hosted by the one and only Sprites Keeper. Maybe I will resolve to keep participating!

I don't usually make resolutions on New Years, but this year I have noticed somethings I really need to improve upon. Some of these things are just minor adjustments that need to be made, others are long term goals that I would like to achieve. All of them are fairly important.

1. When disciplining the girls, yell less, timeout more. Yes, I am a yeller, but I have found that it does me not a lick of good. I could yell till I am blue in the face, but they don't hear me. Timeout actually gets their attention and works when I apply it properly.
2. Work more actively to potty train KiKi and have her potty trained in 6 months. She is 2 and a half now, time to really get to work.
3. Loose 20 or so pounds. Between the move and daily life I have let myself go. I need to focus more on what I am eating and exercise more.
4. Start my work around the house earlier in the day. For some reason around here it takes a lot longer to get the same housework done. Laundry takes twice the time.
5. Be more frugal and cost conscious. In these tough economic times I am going to have to make my buck/pounds stretch further than before. This means, cutting off lights we aren't using, making menus for the weeks meals to avoid wasting money at the commissary, and making tougher decisions between wants and needs.

Well folks, this is my list of resolutions. Nothing groundbreaking, just little things that I feel will make life here at the bungalow run a little more smoothly. What kinds of resolutions did you make for 2009?


Mama Dawg said...

Funny thing?

Those are my resolutions as well.

Good luck to both of us!

Badass Geek said...

I resolved to not make any resolutions. That way, I don't feel like a failure.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those are bascially mine as well. Does that mean we are really smart or really stupid? :)

Cape Cod Gal said...

Good luck girl! I'm with ya on the weight thing and pinching pennies! I've gotta stop getting take out for lunch. It costs a bundle and I always get something with extra fat!

Happy New Year!

Jamie said...

I always write resolutions and don't follow through with any of them. It's pathetic, acutally. I hope this year is different. Good Luck with yours.

Amy W said...

My main one is to get more organized. Since I'm moving to England in eight months (too) I've got a million things to get done. I will also try to yell less, but I can't promise anything on that front. ;-)

Momo Fali said...

Lose some weight for me while you're at it!

Happy New Year!

nikkicrumpet said...

I think those are good resolutions. I wish you much luck in achieving them all! I hope 2009 is a stellar year for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year ....MY Friend

ChurchPunkMom said...

i've got a few of those on my list...

potty train Ellie (my almost 3yo)
lose about 20lbs
yell less (yesterday my throat was sore by lunch time..)
get more housework done each day

Here's to 2009!!

Anonymous said...

and you know what?

All yours are what I should be doing too!

Good Luck and the very best wishes for 2009 in England!


Sprite's Keeper said...

Great resolutions and I'm working on some of those myself. Especially potty training. OY!
You're linked, Kat, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR over in jolly ole' England!

Anonymous said...

Well done you...I resolve - not to make any - 'coz I know I'll break 'em within a week.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Wishing you and your family a great 2009 in England.

Lola said...

I've learned to be tricky with the way I phrase my resolutions in ways that make it impossible to fail. Then I make up a bunch of rauchy ones to amuse myself and the husband.

Happy New Year, Kat, and good luck with that lofty list!

Irish Gumbo said...

My resolutions?

To live my life more at '3072 x 2304' and less at '1024 x 768'. Ha!

Na, prolly just 'drink more beer' and 'walk faster', you know, ease into things...

Happy New Year to our new friend in England, from the Gumbo Clan!

Anonymous said...

You guys got to beat us to 2009...hope it got off with a great start! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

and I in no way meant "got off" in a dirty way...clean it up woman!

Anonymous said...

Seems like we've all got some form of money resolution this year.

If I could lose 20 pounds ... seems impossible at times. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the potty training! My second was much harder to potty train than my first. I think it took us a year to fully potty train her!

Great resolutions though!

Anonymous said...

I don't do resolutions. But yours seem like good life goals.
And yelling doesn't do any good. I know that I tuned out my mom when she yelled as a kid. And when I do the same to my own daughter I can just see her tuning me out. It's like hearing the adults on Charlie Brown!

Captain Dumbass said...

I'm with you on the whole list. Except I'm going to potty train Liam, you deal with Kiki. Oh, and I'll keep the 20 pds, I'd just like to move it around some.

Happy New Year.

The Stiletto Mom said...

Good luck...those are great resolutions. I'm going to make mine as soon as I finish catching up on my blogs!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Wow, you've set the bar high around here. Mine is just to have better posture.


for a different kind of girl said...

A lot of those are my resolutions, too! In fact, we're taking a financial class later this month, which I think is going to be really good for us, but it's also probably going to be a huge shock to our system, too! However, I'm ready to have money left over in the + column at the end of each month!

Good luck! Happy New Year!

zipbagofbones said...

I just added "figure out how much a pound equals in real money" to my list of resolutions.

Happy NY!

kel said...

I like your resolution to be frugal.. I so need to do that!

Laufa said...

But, you save so much more money at the commisary than any grocery store around. Good luck!!

Jenny Grace said...

Great resolutions. Best of luck, happy new year.

OhCaptain said...

Gee, it's getting harder to find the bottom of your comments to post a new one...hehe.

Nice resolutions. I hope you succeed in every one and have a fantastic 2009.