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Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Day of School

LaLa started school this morning. I think the morning went alright. When I woke her up she told me "my eyeballs hurt", which I think means she was still sleepy. I guess that is what happens when you have to get up at 8am and you are used to sleeping until 10am. I got her dressed in her little uniform, fed her some breakfast, and talked up the new school. Then out the door to the new school.

When I left the school after dropping her off, I felt this lump come up in my throat. Half of it was because I was excited for her, but I was also so scared for her. She had the best teacher back in Missouri and I was so worried that she would not fit into the British school environment. They tend to be a lot more strict here than they were in the states and they also have a completely different teaching style. Kids are given a lot more personal responsibility at a younger age and are expected to act accordingly, with manners and respect. LaLa has a hard time with these things constantly. I am terrified of a tough transition. She is also a picky eater, so I am having to pack her lunches. For example on today's menu was veggie quiche or pot roast with veggies. Yeah good luck getting La to eat either of those things.

Well I picked her up from school and she was beaming. She had a fabulous time. From what I could get out of her, they painted, and did drawing and she is friends with everyone. She is such a lover. With The Man working a crazy shift, he only got to see her a few minutes this morning so I emailed him some pictures of her from when she got back from school with her new school issued "Jumper" on. Jumper is just an English word for a sweatshirt or sweater. I must say, she is entirely too cute in her uniform.
We capped off the day (ha! it is still only 6:30pm here) with a visit to the Kebab Shop in town. It has the OMGtheyaresofreakingood best chicken kebabs in the history of kebabs. I am convinced of it. Oh and their take out menu makes me laugh because it says "We probably serve the best, and most delicious and tradtional Turkish kebab in the area since 1993" Probably? Don't have much confidence do we?
Anyways, if you have never had Turkish kebabs this is what they look like (in a take out container post drive home). First at the bottom we have pita bread, then seasoned marinated chicken breast that was *dun dun dun* cooked over coals on a kebab, the lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, and then this awesome yummy creamy garlic sauce. I think I just made myself hungry again. It is heaven in styrofoam.

Oh I wanted to include an English to British language translation guide here too. Here are some of the ones I use the most here.
Trolly-shopping cart or luggage cart
roundabout- traffic circle
anti-clockwise = counter clockwise
cheers- good bye thank you
quid- britsh pound (money)
to get something sorted-is getting a problem fixed


Anonymous said...

She's so cute! This whole time I thought you meant jumper as in dress??

Badass Geek said...

Yeah, I wouldn't eat veggie quiche or veggie pot roast, either.

Mama Dawg said...

Your whole blog is totally gonna change. You're gonna start throwing in British phrases all over the place.

You should start a running list on your blog somewhere! That would be cool.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Congrads to LaLa's first day!!! She looks adorable! I'm glad she had fun.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Yay, LaLa!
Funny, I've been using most of those British phrases forever..
Except quid and anti-clockwise. Odd. Me, not the phrases.

Anonymous said...

I wish the school districts were a tad stricter with more responsibility at an earlier age! As far as the veggie quiche and pot roast, sounds good to me :)

Anonymous said...

Oh the luxury! My son has NEVER slept beyond 7 a.m.!

Well done La La (Brill!)- a new school is always scarey...often more for the parents :-)

You’re so clever finding that interpretation site – I had a butchers - too funny! No wonder you’re not bodging the lingo! Toodle pip!

Cameron said...

Very cute!! Glad her first day went well.

Anti-clockwise, that's funny.

for a different kind of girl said...

She's adorable! I hope the second day of school goes (went) as well as the first!

Also, I just finished my breakfast while reading this post, but after seeing that kabob, I am starving for something like that for dinner! Screw veggie quiche!

Jenny Grace said...

I love the school uniform.

ChurchPunkMom said...

what a doll! so cute in her uniform. so glad to hear she enjoyed her first day! :)

Momo Fali said...

Yum! That looks delicious!

Isn't it amazing how quickly kids adapt? I wish adults could be that flexible sometimes!

Anonymous said...

The veggie quiche sounds awesome to me! I'll take some!

Someone said...

I remember my kids first day of school, I wanted to stay in the parking lot all day to keep an eye on them!!!! Now my oldest wants to be dropped off away from the school!! Glad your daughters 1st day went well.

zipbagofbones said...

Entirely too cute. She must be stopped.

Lola said...

Yay, LaLa! I'm so glad she had a good day. Starting a new school is hard enough. Starting a new school in a new country has got to be very scary.

Oh, and that lunch sounds better than what I'm having for dinner!

Heather said...

I LUUUUUURVE to hear about the food. =D
Glad it went well at school today!

Captain Dumbass said...

Once you get the half English, half American thing down you'll be ready to move to Canada.

OhCaptain said...

It's awesome her first day went so well.

I love the British to English translations!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her... I wouldn'thave eaten the quiche either. Even the name sounds grotesque.

Anonymous said...

She's so sweet! I'm glad she had a good first day! Give her a snuggle for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kat, check your email

Anonymous said...

anti-clockwise. that is a riot!
food looks great and I am glad she had a great day.