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Friday, June 12, 2009

Dear So and So...Episode IV A New Hope

Dear Landlords,

6 weeks!  6 Weeks, people!!!

Get it Together, Kat

Dear Matel,

The game Kerplunk that you manufacture it the stupidest game ever.  It take 15 minutes to get all those little sticks to hold up the marbles and about 2.5 seconds for my kids to get them all to fall.  Then guess who gets to reassemble the sticks because they can't get them to line up right?  You guessed it!  Me!  Stupidest. Game. Ever!

*grumble*, Kat

Dear Guy at the Food Court,

I know you were sitting at the table next to us, but that does not give you permission to eves- drop on my daughter and my conversation.  We were not talking about THAT.  I was telling her what to do to cool off her very hot, just out of the fryer, french fry.  I wasn't sure you were listening until I said that word again and I saw that little smile come across your face just like a 14 year old boy.  Perv.

Eww, Kat

Dear Neutrogena,

Your Deep Clean "invigorating" Foaming Scrub does not have the correct labeling.  What you describe as a "cooling" effect is more like putting IcyHot on your face.  "Tingling" is not the right word.  More like "Oh my God I think my face is on fire".  You are lucky my moisturizer seemed to put out the fire.  

A Concerned Customer, Kat

Dear LaLa,

Thanks for not embarrassing me in public.  When you fell I was sure you were gonna say something incriminating, but you called your derriere your "bottom".  Thanks for that!  

Much Relieved, Mom

Dear Everyone,

I am making this a weekly feature.  If you would like to participate, leave a link in the comments.  Now I just need to find someone to make me a button....

Happy Letter Writing, Kat

** Check it yo!  Thanks Badass Geek!

Dear So and So...


mo.stoneskin said...

Kerplunk is a great game.

Badass Geek said...

The burn says that its working!

Oh, I'll make you a button.

Chairman Bill said...

I like the idea - customer complaints section.

Unknown said...

This -

We were not talking about THAT.

ohhhhhhhh ew!

whats wrong with people? seriously

Michele said...

I hated those toys with a zillion itty bitty parts. Grrrrr....

This looks like so much fun. I'll play along. I'm not sure how good I would be at making buttons. You might want to hit up Captain Dumbass.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

i want to participate! i love reading yours.

and? i love addressing pervs. it's practically one of my MOST favorite things EVER.

i'll say it for the little one. ASS!

can't wait for the button!

Bobby G said...

Like the letters! Its already ZOmbie Friday, but, I can squeeze in letters too!

Joanie said...

Yup. Looks like fun. I'd add a button if someone makes it for you.
These letters always crack me up!

Mama Dawg said...

I'll participate AND I'll plug it on my blog. Cause I lurve you and all.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Glad to here it will be a feature, I love reading your letters!

Larkin said...

I am in, I throughly enjoy these letters...although I will have to ask Jess what exactly I am doing, cause, you know, I'm a goober and stuff. But I do love buttons. Espcially red ones.

Kerplunk SUCKS.

Kimberly Wright said...

This is awesome. You definitely need a button.

Keely said...

Ha! Those are awesome. I may just have a few letters to write, myself...

Lisa said...

Well, if I do WW, then I need to replace Foto Frenzy Fridays, sooo, yeah, I'll participate.

Lola said...

Cool button! I find any toy that has too many parts to be a total waste of time with the young ones. Don't Break The Ice is my only exception. That game is FUN!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up...

Captain Dumbass said...

Dear Hot Coffee I spilled in my lap this morning, that's not the waking up effect I was looking for.

Ya, I think I can get behind this.

ChurchPunkMom said...

you? kick ass.
that is all.

for a different kind of girl said...

Aw, I was hoping she'd call it her 'bum.' So very English!

Six weeks is stupidity now. I'd be calling them every hour on the hour! Maybe you are. If you are, I'd then start calling them from their front door!

Chris said...

Hey, don't be dissin' Kerplunk. I played that all the time as a kid. For me, the only frustrating part was keeping the marbles from falling when you twisted the Kerplunk-cylinder to the next person.

Still . . . classic fun. I'm sure it's out as a video game now somewhere.

Together We Save said...

Love this and I hate when creepy people eves drop.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

oh it was MOST theraputic! anyone got a smoke??

KMcJoseph said...

Dear Life...

Reinvent Dad said...

Can't stand Kerplunk...after a couple years of play the boy has stolen most of the marbles, the cheap plastic sticks are bent, and the kids STILL think that whoever has the MOST marbles WINS. Meh!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Dear Kat,

I love writing letters. Will it be every Friday??? Please let me know. . .


Jen said...

Ooo this is fun. I will try and play some time.

Lendal said...

love the letters - great way to throw out trash from your system :-)

Mitzy said...

I am totally down for participating! I love your Dear So and So feature.
And yeah, Kerplunk is LAME.

Someone said...

great Dear So and So letters, I think I would need a whole separate blog to write mine!!

Michelloui said...

This is good--have just travelled her from NFAH and like the idea. Mine would probably all be to the stuck up school mum I am currently obsessing over. And then maybe one to myself for being so obsessed over a Woman Who Doesnt Care At All.

I'll have a go soon!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Nice. You have friends in high places. Clearly.


Unknown said...

I miss Gnip Gnop, personally.

You need to toughen up your face by rubbing it in some brambles first. The Neutrogena will be a cakewalk then.

Jenni said...

still no toilet? it's like they are torturing you at this point.