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Saturday, June 13, 2009

RTT-Pure Random Randomness

It's time for a little random!  Yes, it is Random Tuesday Thoughts.  Let's get this party started!  You can thank Keely for this and go check out other RTT posts by clicking on this nifty button.


Why do I clean better when I listen to Fergie?  It is really embarrassing.  I mean dancing around the kitchen with the blinds open?  I am lame.  

I mentioned the Dog Whisperer, Caesar Milan, in a tweet on twitter and he started following me. Then I followed him back.  The next day I got a direct message saying "Thanks for the follow.  Stay Calm and Assertive."  I laughed my butt off.  Need to tell Elizabeast about this!  You know since she is such a "fan".

I have half a dozen cupcakes left over from KiKi's birthday.  I think I might just sit the kids down at the table after school and tell them to "go for it".

I was on the phone with my husband and told him "I am so sick of watching cartoons" and LaLa piped up and said "Well, we can compromise".  Huh?  What?  "You don't even know what that means!" "Yeah, it means you get some of what you want and I get some of what I want!"  

Yesterday we had a HUGE storm.  I left the school and had to drive to one of the bases to pick up my mail and it looked like something out of "The Wizard of Oz".  After living in the midwest for 5 years I have been classically conditioned to look for tornados.  While in my head I knew it was crazy, since I live in England, to look for tornados.  Then that night I found out that we HAD been under a tornado watch issued by the base.  Lovely.

In my garden I have 19 mole hills.  I now know how the saying "making mountains out of mole hills" came into to be.  Mole hills are huge here!

When I was trying to outrun the storm yesterday I had the song "The Distance" by Cake stuck in my head.

 "Reluctantly crouched at the starting line
Engines pumping and thumping in time
The green light flashes, the flags go up
Churning and burning they yearn for the cup

They deftly manuver and muscle for rank
Fuels burning fast on an empty tank
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns
Their prowess is potent and secretly stern"

My aunt sent KiKi like 500 stickers for her birthday.  Revenge will be sweet. ;)  Love Ya, Auntie A.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! 500 stickers!

wow, 19 mole holes! Holy Moly! (hehe)

Nikki said...

I was caught dancing in the kitchen once. To Pat Benetar, with a kitchen towel tied around my head in a sweat-band manner, and a wooden spoon as a microphone.

Love is a battlefield...

Unknown said...

Oh my...that really is a lot of stickers. I dance when I clean too.

Happy RTT!

Missy said...

I hate stickers, but I loath those stupid "grow thingies" that have to sit in one of my cups or bowls for days, only to grow up to be a slimy blob destined for the trash.

Happy random Tues.

Cammie said...

Love Fergie!! Maybe I should try her to inspire me to get some cleaning done

Mike said...

I like family guy, and Southpark!
1/2 a dozen cupcakes sounds like breakfast to me! LOL!

Badass Geek said...

No one should listen to Fergie.


I am Harriet said...

Imagine being twitter stalked by the dog whisperer....

Cameron said...

I discovered moles the other day in my yard too, the little bastards. Happy RTT!

Keely said...

Stay calm and assertive! Ha!

Design It Chic said...

Ha ha 500 stickers??? That's gonna be a lot of unsticking business for you lovely mom:P Oh you poor thing!
You gotta get back to your aunt! What does she hate??? Mud on her new washed floors?? yes??? then go for it.. that will show her:P jk of course!
Happy Randomness!

(came here via The UnMom)

Mom in High Heels said...

LOL! During our brief stint in AZ we had mole hills all over our yard. It drove dh crazy. Every day he'd go out and see what new hills had appeared over night. He tried in vain to get rid of them, but it didn't happen.
500 stickers??? I'd go crazy. Indy loves stickers. Personally, I hate them.
I too like to dance to Fergie. I don't like cleaning, but Fergie makes it more fun.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Cake song... memories... lol

Sprite's Keeper said...

500 stickers? I'd disown someone for something like that..

Shangrila said...

Maybe Kiki can fill the molehills with the stickers?!

for a different kind of girl said...

Five hundred stickers?! It was difficult for me to type that because the very idea of it gave me the shakes! So do tornados. Midwest living has me very aware when the dark clouds roll in!

Stacy Uncorked said...

500 stickers? I would definitely seek revenge for that one...

Maybe I need to be playing Fergie in the background to get my cleaning done...might help. ;)

When you were trying to out run the storm, were you chanting 'There's no place like home...'? ;)

Oooh, PN would think she'd died and gone to heaven if she were to sit at a table with half a dozen cupcakes and told to 'go for it'. :)

Happy RTT! :)

Jennifer said...

Oh, I want your cupcakes!! Glad the storm didn't turn into anything more serious.

Anonymous said...

When you dance while you clean, you get your workout in too!
500 stickers....that's just cruel

Jen said...

I am so hungry right now and those cupcakes sound awesome!!!!!

Mariah said...

I've been caught dancing many places...

500 stickers, you are going to have to get even

Cartoons rock

MediMonsters said...

Great RTT!

WOW--500 stickers. Revenge is sweet huh?

I love to have music blaring when I am cleaning.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Maybe you can 'compromise'. Kiki can play with the stickers the next time you visit your aunt!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

500 stickers would send me completely over the edge! lol!

I clean and dance to Fergie kids run and hide whenever they hear me start to do the Boom Boom Pow...

The Dog Whisperer! I love it!

I am now reconsidering moving to England because I had no idea there was tornado potential there! I HATE tornados!

Ahahgshene said...

your daughter knows what a compromise is?! that's crazy! O_O

Jaime said...

that's a whole lot of stickers. i can't believe she already knows what compromise is

Anonymous said...

Hiya Kat, just a quicky coz the youngest won`t settle. Just wanted to let you know that I stopped by your blog. I love what I`ve read so far.
Great blog.
I`ll be back to have a good read later.
Crazymaisey (BMB) xx

Pollyanna said...

No tornados in the UK?? Sign me up!

Kids understand the strangest things - I hate it when they are smart enough to "de-code" what my husband and I are talking about :)

Kimberly Wright said...

I love the Dog Whisperer! Cool that he followed you.

I am glad I don't have a bunch of cupcakes in the house, I would have eaten them up.

And I always play Fergie on our big clean day. That and Paul Simon's Cecelia.

Lisa said...

Are you "going for speeeeeeed?"

Yeah.... My kid says apparently all the time. I feel lame.

KMcJoseph said...

I love that song.

"The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,
And long ago somebody left with the cup"

My favorite part.

Casey said...

I love cake. The band, not the food. Well, I love cake the food too.

No way, Cesar Milan followed you? I love that dude. He would make me feel like an ass though if he met my dog... she's terrible.

Captain Dumbass said...

Compromise. Bwah ha ha haaaa! Stop letting her watch daytime TV.

Michele said...

My husband was in Dallas last week when they had a tornado. He ignored the sirens. After spending time in Indiana the sirens mean nothing.

Anonymous said...

500 stickers? I think maybe a drum set or paint kit is in order.

I'll be happy to pop over and eat up some of those cupcakes if you like. Me and cupcakes go way back.

Also love that song.

Sarah said...

Hey I am better at cleaning when I listen to Britney Spears. Equally sad and equally wonderful at the same time.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

cake and cupcakes in the same post? your rockin in sister!