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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

RTT-For the Love of Crackberry

Hey everyone it is Tuesday again, you know the drill.  Time for Random Tuesday Thoughts (and I totally had the voice over people from Casey Kasem American Top 40 (not the Ryan Secrest version) doing the intro in my head)!  Head on over to Keely's Place and pick up the button and play along!


My parents are coming on Thursday!!!!  Got to make some phone calls and set up a trip to Windsor Castle!

I got my new Blackberry (as a free upgrade to my plan) yesterday.  Woohoooo!  Now I can check my email anywhere.

I don't think The Man is nearly as excited about the new Blackberrys as I am.  He is not big on change in general and last night before bed he was like "Ummm so I can't use my old phone for my alarm huh?"  No silly, use the new phone!

Potty Training (for serious this time) Day 1-  No accidents at all!!!  This kid might be an easy one...hopefully...knock on wood!

Tomorrow I have an awesome guest post for you guys.  My favorite ex-pat author/blogger, Mike Harling, is doing a virtual book tour for his book Postcards from Across the Pond.  It a great book and I highly recommend it to all of you!  Oh and not only is he a good writer, he is a really nice guy who helps me decide what kind of daytrips I should take here in England (very handy)!

Gah!  Why aren't the people at the base travel office not picking up their phones??  What is the point of having a phone if you aren't going to answer it?  I mean you are a travel agent right?  Isn't most of your business done on the PHONE?  

Sorry about that, little melt down.

Now the line is busy...I can't win!  *sigh*

Did you know that Casey Kasem did voices for Sesame Street?  Just found that out on Wikipedia...ya learn something new everyday.

Elizabeth is getting a bath and hair cut today.  Wish me luck!  Or rather wish her luck; I have never used pet grooming clippers before!  I did get the set with the manual for "dummies" though! 

Happy RTT everyone!  Now go forth and spread the random!

PS-  Did I overdo it with the exclamation marks this week?


Design It Chic said...

Congrats on the Blackberry and the parents coming over! Fingers crossed for the bath and the hair cut tough!
Happy Random Tuesday!

(came here via TheUnMom)

Chairman Bill said...

Try e-mailing the base travel office with the Crackberry - or Tweet them.

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your parents visiting!

I'm jealous of the blackberry.

Good luck with potty training!

Ian Newbold said...

Enjoy Windsor Castle, haven't been for a good while but I used to really enjoy visiting Windsor, the place is beautiful.

Michele said...

Green with envy about the Blackberry. My hubby doesn't even understand the need for a phone. Except to text with. Only had to show him once how to do it. Now, I only get less than a 160 character sentences not phone calls. Showed him how to do laundry eleventy billion times and he still can't do it right. What's up with that?

Good luck with KiKi.

Carolyn...Online said...

One can NEVER be too excited about a new Balckberry.

I am Harriet said...

That Blackberry- email--phone internet is addictive and expensive...

Stacy Uncorked said...

I was thisclose to getting a Blackberry...I didn't...bad decision on my part. :)

Have FUN with your parents visit - what a great idea setting up a trip to Windsor Castle - hopefully the travel people will realize that the ringing they're hearing is not in their head and answer the phone... :)

Happy RTT! :)

Everyday Goddess said...

Glad your parents are visiting, how much of Windsor Castle is open for touring?
I think Casey was the voice of Shaggy on Scooby, but I could be vastly wrong.
Just the right amount of exclamation points!!

Badass Geek said...

I would love a Blackberry Storm, if it wasn't for the fact that it costs an extra $30 per month.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

A blackberry and a castle, all in the same week. You're moving up, kid.


Bobby G said...

I too am addicted to BlackBerrys! What model did ya get? check out Infinite knowledge, a store for accessories, a forum and a up to the second blog!!!!

Elle said...

Have fun with your parents! Hope you can get the travel office straightened out.

Happy RTT

Jenni said...

how would we know you were excited if not for the exclamation marks?

have fun w/mom and good luck with the potty training. we're starting next week.

Wendi said...

I like-a my BlackBerry a lot. I also like-a my having both of my kids potty trained. May the force be with you!

Kimberly Wright said...

My husband has a Blackberry and he is still learning how to use it.

Keeping my fingers crossed on the potty training for you. And the pet grooming - hmmm, not sure if I would be brave enough to do that.

Jess said...

One can never over-do with exclamation marks!!!!!! Are you kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jess said...

Oh and have fun with the 'rents!

Sprite's Keeper said...

I wish you tons of luck on the potty training and if she nails it, is it okay for me to hate you a little?

Captain Dumbass said...

I think my wife would like it if getting a Crackberry required an IQ test so she wouldn't have to deal with the idiots who realize they've made a horrible mistake after they get their first bill.

Cape Cod Gal said...

Congrads on your new drug. I am a big fan of the Crackberry! Now, if I can just figure out how to use the damn thing.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Have a great time visiting with your parents and I hope Kiki is in big girl panties before you know it.

Liz Mays said...

Let's just clear the air right now. There is no such thing as overusing an exclamation point. Carry on to your heart's content.

Now I've got to know what voices Casey Kasem did on Sesame Street.

Enjoy your visit with the 'rents!!! (See how I used 3 !'s there.)

Jennifer said...

Love the exclamation points! I'm an addict, and use far more than my share!!

Very jealous about the Blackberry. Enjoy it! And enjoy your parents' visit. Have a great time!

for a different kind of girl said...

One can never have too many exclamation points!!!(infinity)! I usually save them for everyone else to use, but a few sprung up in my mind when you said you were grooming the dog today. I'd be too fearful of scalping a pooch to do it!


Cara said...

That is great your parents are coming to visit! I'm assuming they still live over here?

Good luck with the haircut. We just got a dog (can you hear me banging my head into the desk?) & I have a feeling I'll be headed to the store to buy some myself. I tried to convince Chase to let me just take her to a groomer but that was a no go.

Anonymous said...

In my mind, you can never over exclaim. Is that right? Exclaim? Hmm...I asked myself that with Casey Kasem's voice, by the way. Thank you for that. ;)

smitten by britain said...

Oh god, not the base travel office! Looking forward to Mike's visit tomorrow.

Sam said...

Let me know how the DIY dog grooming kit works out. Molly is so bad I'm actually embarrassed to take her in. Sigh.

Jen said...

Blackberry's totally rock. I love mine and I can now see why they are called a crackberry.

Lisa said...

Was the blood supposed to drain from my face when you said you got the one with the book? Because it TOTALLY did!

BTW, what kind of dog is it? I want to make sure I know what I'm looking at when you post an "after" pic!

OhCaptain said...

Having never owned a Crackberry, I wouldn't know, my iPhone is all that I need :-P

BTW - You can never use too many exclamation marks (we call them exclamation points around here...weird)

Anonymous said...

Ah Crackberry. Such a wonderful invention.

Happy RTT (on thursday cause I'm all prompt like that,lol)

Aunt Juicebox said...

I'm not as thrilled with my Crackberry as I thought I'd be either. There are functions that just don't work the way I want them to.