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Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear So and So...sorry I'm busy

Dear Bloggy Friends,

I am off to roam the English countryside with my parents so I don't have time to blog today. If you do your own Dear So and So please leave your link below with Mr. Linky!

Love, Kat


Anonymous said...

Have fun!

Unknown said...

Have a great trip.

Michele said...

Have a great time. Take some photos. I travel the English countryside vicariously through you. Thanks BTW

Anonymous said...

I am thinking I may have to write a Dear so and so. These are funny :)

Michelloui said...

Have fun! Wish my parents were over here to roam with me...

E @ Scottsville said...

I told ya I'd join this week...and I did! It was super fun, too!

Enjoy your trip. =0)


Expat No. 3699 said...

Well see, you did have time...sort of.

Have fun with your parents!

Captain Dumbass said...

All my best to the Queen Mum.

Lisa said...

Have fun with the 'rents!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your trip!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I'm in!

Did I do it right?????

Reinvent Dad said...

I'm jealous...I could use a trip around the English countryside.

Mr. and Mrs. Top Gun said...

Ok. I'm so going to join this!!!

Love it. Love it.

Vodka Mom said...

are you kidding? My whole LIFE is a dear so and so.

and, next time you go roaming the countryside, don't forgot your little friend Vmom.


Miti said...

Dear Kat,

I found your cute little meme on my friend's blog. She's Erica in Scottsville. Love this idea. I will be joining in sometime and following too. Hope you have a good time. Be safe.

Your new bloggy friend,

Pseudo said...

I've been enjoying the ltterposts linked to you out there and came too see what it's about. Might join in later...