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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Elizabeast Vs. The Dog Whisperer


Captain Dumbass said...

She's like Cujo, but happier and with less drool.

Michelloui said...

I think there was a dog whisperer episode about a dog like this... ;)

Michele said...

She's cute. Look at that little tail go.

Joanie said...

That's funny! Look how intent she is on watching that dog on TV!

Missy said...

My cat just came in to see if I had lost my mind and let a dog in the house.


Cammie said...

CURSES!!! I cannot see the video!!! Sending to my home email so I can try from there (stoooopid work firewalls)

Anonymous said...

My MIL's internet is like molasses so alas I can't load the video. I'll escape later to the bookstore and see it. It sounds promising...

Jenni said...

LOL! Not a fan of Caesar?

Anonymous said...

I love it when they do that. She's watching so intently too. I wonder if she was barking at the Rottweiler? Smart girl.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

I can't tell if she's really really smart or really really dumb. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.


mo.stoneskin said...

Hell, I would watch that intently myself!

Mitzy said...

That is a riot. Cesar should totally watch the video and meet Elizabeast in person.

Jess said...

LMAO! That is hilarious!! Adorable actually!

Jenni said...

so funny - and when my dogs heard elizabeth going apeshit, they started going apeshit. ;)

Jen said...

that is too funny.

Larkin said...

Adorable! I LOVE her tail! Get 'em girl!

Krystal said...

hey look, my dog runs away from the TV - go figure

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! That is exactly what my dogs do! I have a pug who will literally attack our big screen television. And I have a Jack Rat that runs full force into the kitchen (because the TV is on the wall between the kitchen and Living room) and starts barking like a NUT! Cause for some reason she thinks the barking is coming from in there. Soo funny. :)

Sandy said...

Are you torturing your doggy?

Reinvent Dad said...

It's OK girl, I'm not a fan of the show either!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! My dog has fav shows too, but his absolute favourite is watching football!

Lisa said...

she really does hate that damn show, huh?

Cape Cod Gal said...

My dog does that too!! Any animal on the TV and she goes nuts!!!

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Everyday Goddess said...

As Ceasar would say, tszt! tszt!

I think that's how you spell that sound that he makes when he wants the dog to stop doing something.

Lola said...

Hehehe, my dogs just barked at Elizabeast barking at the DW!

Shop with Me Mama said...

Lol! too cute!