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Friday, July 24, 2009

Dear So and So... Still Half Asleep

Dear Water Company,

How the hell does my water bill triple? Then when I call you, you tell me that the amount of water I have used between Dec and June was enough for a year. Obviously there is a mistake. We don't use an obscene amount of water. Oh, and when I went to check the meter, the meter was under water because of a bit of rain. Could that affect the reading?

Severely disgruntled, Kat

Dear LaLa,

I really hope this chore chart works for you. I hope it teaches you a bit of responsibility. And for goodness sake I hope it helps keep your bedroom clean, or I am gonna lose my mind.

Love, Mom

Dear Diet Dr. Pepper,

Nectar of sweet sweet life. You have officially become my #2 girl, right behind "My Precious" aka Cherry Coke Zero. What you don't make up for in taste, you make up for in availability. Yes, I just called you easy. Get over it.

Smooches, Kat

Dear Breath Right Strips,

I can't believe you actually work. Of course, I can't find the one I put on my nose last night. It is probably somewhere in the bed. I should go hunt that thing down.

Unstopped, Kat

Dear Whoever Suggested Melatonin For Getting To Sleep.

Thank you. Seriously, thank you.

Lovin' My Sleep, Kat

Dear Readers,

Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day to enter my Blogoversary Giveaway! The prize is a $40 item from The Diaper Bag Diva. Second place gets a really neat-o teacup from moi. See my Blogoversary post for the ways to enter. Tomorrow is the last day to enter, so hurry up!

If you participated in Dear So and So... leave you link with Mr. Linky. You really should participate by the way, it is extremely cathartic and a great way to start off the weekend.



Dorset Dispatches said...

Love Dear So and So!

Badass Geek said...

Breathe Right strips also work as a backup to blackhead removers, if you're looking for such a thing.

Anonymous said...

Badass, that's funny! I've got some breathe right strips to help me not snore. I don't use them everynight unless hubby asks. On the mornings he wakes up and says "Wow, you snored last night!" I look at him and say "Why didn't you wake me up and tell me to put a strip on??" Not my fault then, right?

Anonymous said...

I better go write me Dear SO and So. Who cares if I already posted something?

Don't you love dealing with government beaurocracy? (sp)

Cammie said...

hmmm. Maybe you swallowed the breathright strip??

Krystal said...

If that chore chart works, would you let me know because what I am using doesn't seem to work...youi'd think fear and intimidation would get Princess to pick up her room right?

Mango Girl said...

I am in love with my Cherry Coke Zero, too. So, I guess I will have to give your #2 a try.

Jen said...

I think I may need to try some of that Melatonin. I've been having some serious insomnia lately.

As far as The Notebook, I totally understand that it isn't everyone's favorite movie. I didn't even love it the first time I watched it. Then once I heard that the two leads (Rachel and Ryan) were together in real life and I watched it again, you could really see the chemistry btw them and it was amazing. Now that they have broken up, I can hardly watch the movie anymore. :(

Sandy said...

Hope you didn't inhale the Breathe Right. They do what they are supposed to but they also irritate the skin of my delicate little nose.

Unknown said...

i never would have believed those Breathe Right strips worked either...interesting.

and i'm totally going on the hunt for some melatonin.


Captain Dumbass said...

Melatonin, I would have tried that last night.

mo.stoneskin said...

Regarding your bill I would have thought you would have learned by now that

1) Our bills always go up, above inflation, with no cause
2) The stats on the bill make no sense
3) What you can glean from the stats implies that you leave all taps running all day
4) There is nothing we can do about it!

Pollyanna said...

I love breathe right strips! I'm so vein, I use the clear ones.

Like anyone, but my husband and kids is going to see me with it on. They've see a lot worse. I'm just saying . . .

Keely said...

I need some of those strips too! I've heard of melatonin for kids...

Lisa said...

My chore chart works. Sophie's so excited to put stickers on it that she cleans her room up without being asked. It is, of course, the first week... so, eh, maybe it won't really work. But we're trying!

Ahahgshene said...

i've always loved reading your dear so and so...

Maureen at IslandRoar said...

So funny!
Must try that melatonin.

Mom in High Heels said...

Yay! It was me that suggested the melatonin. I'm so glad it worked for you. I swear by that stuff. When we're doing those transatlantic flights it's really helpful in combating jet lag. I take a 3mg pill and give Indy 1/4 of a pill. Works beautifully.

@cosmicgirlie said...

I bet the Breathe Right strip is stuck somewhere really unpleasant. It's ALWAYS the way.

Would like your supply of Cherry Coke Zero please, I can't find any.


StormGirl53 said...

I love your whole dear so and so thing. i wrote my own but i couldnt remember where i'd read it, and now i found it :D

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I absolutely LOVE Dear So and So!!! I am a huge Breathe Right Strip fan too...

Casey said...

Our water bill skyrocketed this month and we've had the sprinklers off because of the rain. I think it's like a lottery, they just give you weird numbers to eff with you and charge you whatever they want.

Mom in High Heels said...

Kat, thanks for stopping by my blog. The next time I'm in England, I'll make sure to bring plenty of shoes so they can meet up with yours for lunch. :) Maybe we can even join them.

Aunt Juicebox said...

My brother dropped off his kids at my house one morning last week, still wearing his breathe right strip. I was like, dude, you forgot something. But he said he left it on on purpose, because they are good "anytime". ?

Anonymous said...

Diet Dr. Pepper is such a good mistress...

Wendi said...

Dear Kat,
Melatonin rocks my sleep world but makes me dream some crazy sh*&.


Lola said...

What is this melatonin you speak of? I could certainly use some serious sleep!

Good luck with the chore chart. It worked with my son for a little while.

Anonymous said...

Melatonin RULES!

MMMM Diet Dr Pepper... mmmmm!