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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

That Punk Ruby

I don't know how many of you guys have seen the Nick Jr T.V. show Max and Ruby, but that show seriously grates on my last nerve. What is the deal with it? Where are their parents? Is Grandma Bunny their legal guardian who lives in a different house? Why the heck is Ruby so dang bossy?

In each episode it is quite clear that little Max Bunny just wants to play and have fun like any other 3 year old. Ruby his controlling know it all sister never lets Max play and be a kid. She always has some "activity" that she wants to complete. Who the heck cares if you get that next Bunny Scout merit badge, Ruby? Nobody Ruby. That's who cares. Thankfully little Max usually screws up Ruby's plans and ends up having fun.

Way to go Max. Way to go!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

See, I'm on the other side of the fence. I thin Ruby should just lock Max in the little closet under the steps and go enjoy herself. She shouldn't have to play mommy. That and the state of Bunny Protective Services is horrible, so you don't want to get them involved

Mama Dawg said...

I'm so out of it. I don't know who Max and Ruby are.

Now, if you mention Cody or Zack, I gotcha.

Cape Cod Gal said...

No kids so I'm not up on the most recent shows. But, I know all the movies!!

If I had to watch that stuff every day I would need to be heavily medicated.

Anonymous said...

LOL Kids shows are just weird most of the time.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Man, Lisa over at Boondock Ramblings posted about Max and Ruby too. I think this is my clue to stay away from that show!

Jenny Grace said...

Max and Ruby is actually a really great children's book series, but the show is soul-sucking.

Anonymous said...

It takes all of my self-restraint not to put a bb through our tv screen every time that show comes on. Seriously.

steenky bee said...

I laugh at the kids shows all the time. Have you seen the trains on Thomas? Those suckers are so jumpy and suspicious of each other. They are just dicks. Plain and simple.

Heather said...

I hate Max and Ruby. In fact, I'd rather watch that sickening Gabba Gabba show. They make Barney look good.

Jamie said...

I love this - I have always wondered if I was the only one who was so bothered by that GD bossy bunny. If she was my sister I would put a beat down on her. I mean, cut Max some slack.

Thanks for the laugh!

Lola said...

Ruby is a bitch!

Captain Dumbass said...

I bet Ruby would be great in a stew. That rabbit is a serious bitch.

Unknown said...

Psst, there's an award for you at my place.

for a different kind of girl said...

We went on a Max and Ruby bender at my house awhile back, but lately, we've been off the junk. I hope we stay clean.

Ron said...

Awww, Cute vagrant street bunnies. Ya, I could see what you mean.

For me, it's Charlie and Lola... they creep me out. What's worse, the kids can imitate them perfectly. It's like a horror flick where the kids take over the town from the adults.

Baby Bunching said...

It's like Charlie and Lola....same thing. Where are the parents?

Jen said...

I know just what you are talking about. I can't stand that show. They need some Parents.