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Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Knocked Up Dog

Upon recalculating the date of when she actually got got by Jack Jack (aka K-Fed), I have determined that Elizabeast (aka Britney) will be having puppies within the next 2 weeks. I had originally thought that she was assaulted humped impregnated before Thanksgiving. Then Domino pointed out that it happened right before I moved into my new house, which was Dec 5th. So we think it happened around Dec 2nd or 3rd. Elizabeth is now all fat and nippley (is that a word? Well it is now.) I think I actually felt a puppy move inside her tummy yesterday. It is kinda hard to tell because she won't lay still for me to get a good feel of her belly. She is also having trouble getting her fat bootay into my house because I have a pretty large step up into my house. I have to say she is also extra lovey dovey. When I lay down on the bed she gets in bed with me and tries to snuggle as close as possible.

While the timing of this pregnancy is kinda inconvenient I am starting to get a bit excited. Domino and I decided that we would let Elizabeth whelp her puppies at Domino's house because Domino has dealt with birthing puppies (Miss Scarlett I ain't never birthed no babies!!) before and I am a greenhorn when it comes to all this stuff. Although, it does kinda feel like I am about to send her off to a home for unwed mothers. It is a little more convenient in the long run because my parents will be here at the end of February. I don't know if I could deal with puppies in the house as well as my parents. Not that my parents are an inconvenience at all, just having puppies here would put us down one bathroom. 6 people and only one bathroom, not happening.

Once the puppies are born expect lots of pictures of the little buggars!


Anonymous said...

I had puppies one (not literaly) and I still remember the smell of ground up puppy chow........ I was 6. Good luck with that

Badass Geek said...

You'll need to invest in a doggy chastity belt to keep this from happening again.

Anonymous said...

Oh-aren't you gonna want to see those puppies all the time though!??

Anonymous said...

You better post puppy pics as soon as it happens!!!!

Irish Gumbo said...

Nippley: In possession of, or related to, a surface quality of small, raised bumps similar to those typically exhibited by female mammals. (Example: "Say, Paco, this chimichanga is all nippley!")

Good luck with whelping the whelps, and yes, pics please :)

OhCaptain said...

Nippley is a word we use here in the midwest to describe a cold day. You know...women get all nipply when it's cold...

Momo Fali said...

Yay! Puppies! Love them puppy bellies.

Laughing at OhCaptain, because we do say that all the time when it's cold. It's been nipply a lot lately.

Unknown said...

Oh how exciting and I think a wise decision on the whelping. Can't wait for all the cute puppy piccies.

Anonymous said...

Sounds very sweet. Bonding with the mama dog. Women need to rally together during times like this.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Poor Elizabeast. She must be thinking, "get them out!" The girls must be so excited though!

ChurchPunkMom said...

Oh, I wouldn't be able to stand not having the puppies at home! It's so fun.. But then, I've had two of my own babies at home and played midwife for my kitty twice.. so I has some experience. ;)

Can't wait to see the pictures!! EEEE!!!

Captain Dumbass said...

Don't let that bastard Jack Jack get custody of the puppies!

Frogs in my formula said...

It does sound like you're sending her away. Hahah. I'd be kind of nervous to watch it. I mean, it's a natural process but yikes.

Michelle said...

I cannot wait to see them! I want a cocker in the worst way!

steenky bee said...

Oh! The girls are going to have a blast naming the puppies! I wish I could say the same about your experience cleaning up the afterbirth. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

wow...puppies! Are you going to keep any?
I want to see pics when they are pink and blind. Wait, am I think of mice???

Anonymous said...

Baby pics, yay! (even if they are canine babies lol) Makes me want to buy a bitch for Pascal.

Anonymous said...

Just in case your plans don't pan out, and she goes into labor at your house... Don't worry. She's got it under control. Just give her a safe, quiet place with an old blanket. But it will get dirty, so be prepared to swap it out with a fresh one the next day. If you don't it'll smell. Ew.

My whore of a cat is knocked up again. I'm kind of looking forward to the babies though because now we only have 1 cat and I'm not used to that. Neither is she. I've never seen her so clingy!

Lola said...

Oooh, I'm so excited! Birthing puppy babies is not too scary, but sometimes things go wrong, and experience is a good thing.

Can't wait to see puppy pics!

Anonymous said...

*sniff*. Puppies? CUTE!
Our dog had puppies 5 years ago and it's really not that bad. Gross, but not as big of a deal as I thought it would be.
Good luck! I can't wait to see pictures!

Anonymous said...

Did someone say puppies? I don't know if you'll be able to part with them all - SURELY you'll keep one?

Lola uses the word 'nippley' when she means it's cold outside.

Jenni said...

You new design looks great, and kudos on the GWW reference :)

Amy W said...

Puppies! What fun... Your kids will be in absolute heaven. And good idea on sending the mama to a home for wayward bitches.... I'm not ready to start birthin' any babies at home. ;)

Mama Dawg said...

I can't wait to see pics!

Heather said...

Ooooh sweet puppy lovin', don't you just love to snuggle a little pup! Only, it sucks when they pee on ya! lol

Expat No. 3699 said...
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