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Monday, July 20, 2009

RTT- 6 Weeks and Counting

It's Tuesday Morning. Now lets see if I can knock these cobwebs out of my brain, try to form coherent sentences and get some of these thoughts of mine out of my head and out onto the Internet. You know, cause the Internet needs a bit more crazy. You can head over to Keely's place grab the button and play along if you like.


If yesterday was any indication of how the next six weeks of the summer holidays are gonna go, I want a raincheck. LaLa refused to listen to me, wouldn't clean up after herself, threw a tantrum at dinner time, and was generally a whining terror. She ended up getting her TV and V-smile (educational video game system) confiscated by The Man. Now, if that isn't a crap start to the next six weeks, I don't know what is.

My 10 year high school reunion was this past weekend. I obviously didn't get to go, but after some of the Facebook messages I saw, I am kind of glad I didn't. Apparently some people had a good time, but then I saw one message that reminded me why I hated HS. There were a couple of the "popular" boys who were talking about the absence of the "school nerd" and then they were laughing about how they "didn't get a chance to steal his backpack" Ugh, good riddance. Some people never grow up.

However, due to the group started on Facebook to gather everyone for the reunion I did get back into contact with a few good friends from HS. It would have been nice to have seen them, but most of them didn't attend the reunion either.

Once again it is raining in England (surprise, surprise), so I am going to have to figure out something to do with the girls today. Any ideas? Maybe building a fort?

I gave Elizabeth a bath yesterday, now she smells like roses, not like a rubbish bin. Thank goodness for scented doggy shampoo.

Speaking of Elizabeast, I tapped the Dog Whisperer last night so that I can video her going batshit crazy and attacking the TV. She is gonna be an interwebz star.

OK, I know I have been a slacker lately when it comes to commenting on other blogs, but I promise I am going to try to do better. I might get to it later at night, so if my comments are a little, ummm, incoherent (heh, I used that word twice in one post), then just take into account that by 8pm my brain is fried and I am usually sitting here watching House, Bones, CSI, or Sex and the City; not blogging in the evenings. Take pity on me.

Alright I think that is enough of my drivel for now. Now get the button and play along yourself. It is cathartic.


Liz Mays said...

I've never gone to an HS reunion because the people who tend to go are the ones I didn't like back then, and I have no interest in starting to like them now.

Anonymous said...

I love the dog whisperer.

HS reunion...I'm debating going to mine this fall....probably going to be a no-go though.

Mom in High Heels said...

I am so happy I had such a great HS experience. I went to an all girl school and it was awesome. I keep in touch with many of my former friends. My 20th reunion in in 2 years (OMG! How did that happen?) and I am totally going.
My smallest dog, Arf (Indy named him) also attacks the TV any time there's an animal on it. He's 4 lbs of fierce. It can be funny, but it can be really annoying if you're trying to watch a show. Great RTT!

Badass Geek said...

Godspeed, Kat.


Toni said...

It's raining down here in the South West too - I hate that we are proving the steroitype of a 'rainy England' right!

Here's hoping the weather picks up or you might go insane with 6 weeks of 'indoor activities'. I have a feeling that the game 'hide and seek' will become very popular in your house! lol

Sandy said...

Yes, some people never grow up. I no longer go to HS reunions but when I did go my experience was different. It seemed people sat with classmates that had never even talked to in high school. It was kind of nice in that respect. Maybe 10 years isn't enough for some of your classmates.

Cammie said...

please please PLEASE post the video of your dog!!

I have my 15 year coming up this year and me thinks Im gonna skip it....I figure if I like you enough I still see you and if I dont there is a reason why....

Organic Meatbag said...

I feel that Facebook has spared me the inconvenience of ever having to go to an actual high school reunion...I can just tell people that I already know what they're doing because I see them putting up stupid statuses and stupid pictures every damn day!

Ahhhhhh, thank you Facebook!

I am Harriet said...

Who needs reunions when you've got Facebook anyway?

annies home said...

we just celebrated 20 years and believe me the boys are still the same

for a different kind of girl said...

The 10-year high school reunion is still so much like high school it's practically lame. I went to mine, but I couldn't be more thrilled when the night ended. The same cliques immediately form again. Gah. I've kind of sworn off of them ever since that one.

We don't have a dog...we don't have any animals at all...but every morning, my kids watch "It's Me Or My Dog" on Animal Planet with some English dog expert and her English clients, and when I watch along (wondering why we are since, again, we don't have a dog!), I always think wow, the English have massive dog issues!

Bobby G said...

YES! Build a fort! ALWAYS Build a fort!

Michele said...

I've never gone to my HS reunion for this same reason. Also, the people I want to keep up with I already do. Hence, there is no need to spend what amounts to a fortune to get there.

Jen said...

I can't wait to see that video.

Krystal said...

thank God i got my GED so I don't have to deal with those dumb reunions!

And don't feel so bad about the rain - we got lots of it to spare here in south florida

Mama Badger said...

Ahh, I skipped the 10 year for a similar reason. Everyone was still in the "look where I am" stage. I'm hoping at the 20 we've all reached, "Just thank god we're here" and then I'll go.

No TV or V Smile, and a rainy day? You need Mary Poppins, my dear...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I didn't go to my HS reunions either. For the same reasons! lol

I totally beat myself up over commenting on everyone's blogs. It's a nasty cycle! Lol!

Rain? Paint with water on colored construction paper. Kids LOVE it! :)

Lisa said...

I can't wait to see Elizabeast go batshit crazy! AWESOME!

Sprite's Keeper said...

I never went to my high school renion. Same reasons as to why you're glad you didn't go to yours. Some people just never grow up.

Lola said...

Hey, six weeks is half of what I've got to deal with. The first couple were rough. Camp is a beautiful thing!!!!

I feel no need to go to a reunion, since living here means I see most of the people around town anyway. I'd only go if it was at the restaurant right down the street from my house. Not much effort needed for that ;)

Captain Dumbass said...

I haven't done any of my reunion's either. HS was a blast, but it was a long time ago.

Pollyanna said...

I've never gone to one of my HS reunions. They didn't care about me then, why should they care now. I'm not famous, nor do I have an interesting career - they have no reason to suck up to me.

On that bath thing, I recently observed my kids filthiness one morning. 20 minutes before we had to leave I tossed them in the tub. I can't wait until they're old enough to take a shower by themselves.

Pollyanna said...

BTW - I've joined the Random Thoughts Tuesday train.

Anonymous said...

I've posted a link to your giveaway on my blog. Sorry it took me so long. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I am counting down the 30 or so days until school starts and I can offload one of my kids. Hallelulah.

Ah high school...I'm so happy I live 3000 miles away so I have zero chance to ever attend a reunion.

Unknown said...

yesterday my son made me cry.

i am totally ready for school to start.

for realz.

who knew that 11 year olds were made of evil?


Keely said...

I hated high school, my friends from there are still my friends. Why would I go to a reunion??

Bring on the incoherent comments, lady.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I'm watching HOUSE while I comment on YOUR blog.... I just found that so funny! I'm still giggling. Like, really giggling! Ha!

I guess I see what you mean by getting to commenting late at night. But that was really really funny.

Oh lord..

Pollyanna said...

The "O" faced storytellers are now pictured in my blog. They aren't the exact ones Misty has, but you will definitely get the idea :)

zipbagofbones said...

One summer, my mom left my sister and I with a babysitter and on a similarly rainy day, we decided to turn out kitchen linoleum into an ice skating rink.

With congealed bacon grease.

That wouldn't come off the floor.

It could me much, much worse :)

Kimberly Wright said...

I didnt go to my highschool reunion this year and now regret it. O well.

I also love the dog whipser.

I love this randomness.

Aunt Juicebox said...

Omg, only 10 year? I'm creeping on my 20th woman! I might go if they have one, I skipped the 10 yr.