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Friday, July 17, 2009

Dear So and So... Road Rage Edition

Dear Drivers,

I had to learn the rules to drive in this country; I suggest you do the same. I am talking to BOTH the British and American drivers here.

Tired of Almost Getting Hit By People Not Paying Attention,

Dear People in The Arc Car Park,

I drive a BIG ORANGE SUBURBAN ASSAULT VEHICLE (0k it isn't really HUGE, but it is big enough to see). Surely you can see me. BIG and ORANGE does not mean target; it means avoid me at all costs. Slamming your breaks as you almost broadside my car? Not cool. Oh and drive on your side of the road. I mean I seem to be able to do it and I am American.

Just Sayin,

Dear Other American Drivers,

When a car park is almost completely full and you drive a large vehicle, the appropriate parking space to take is not the one next to the other SUVs. The appropriate space is between the Ford Ka and the Mini Cooper.

Can't Open My Drivers Side Door,
Dear Lizabeast,

When I ask KiKi to get out of my lap, that doesn't mean it is your turn.

Love Your Human MaMa,

Dear Summer Holidays,

6 weeks? Can we bargain? Can we shorten you up? 4 weeks? No? Just checking.

Hoping My Kids Don't Destroy The House From The Inside Out,

Dear Readers,

Grab the button from my side bar and play along. Don't forget to leave your link with Mr. Linky so we can all enjoy the letter writing love. Also, if you have not entered my blogoversary giveaway, go here to enter!



mo.stoneskin said...

Spot on with the Ford Ka/Mini rule.

Dear flashy smartass in the Audi TT, just 'cos you're flashy doesn't mean you can park bang over the line dividing two parking spaces.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I had this very old guy driving on the wrong side of the road this week right toward me and I thought 'We're not in England you idiot!'. Crazy old people.....

I have some letters to write up but didn't have time this week with Josh getting home. I'll join in next week!

♥ Braja said...

Ha! Oh in India, and anywhere else in the free world will seem like BLISS :)))

Michele said...

Do the drivers over there use their turn signal? It seems that here it is an optional feature on their vehicle.

Badass Geek said...

I suggest you mount a paintball gun to your car, or at least a spud gun. People would learn their lesson pretty quickly, I'd imagine.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kat,
If I see your big honkin' SUV, I promise to stay clear. I admire you for driving in the UK.
From So and So... :-)

Mom in High Heels said...

Haha! I'm first on the link! I've always wanted to be first on a link!

Chairman Bill said...

I trust YOU don't engage in statement parking?

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Wow, look how fancy you are with your boxes and widgets.

I love your Dear So and So. Very clever, girl.


Sprite's Keeper said...

I think driving on the correct side of the road should count in America too. People in this country who have been taught only one way to drive still can't seem to get it right.

Susan said...

Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Dude just yesterday I was at my truck outside of Flanigans and saw a big FORD SUV not even TRY to stop itself from ramming into a little Corolla. The impact was so loud I jumped and the Corolla ended up looking like it was only as long as the backdoor reached. The entire trunk was squished.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for my weekly does of therapy! This is the best meme ever! :)

Anonymous said...

DOSE of therapy, even.

Captain Dumbass said...

Assault vehicle, hee hee.

Larkin said...

I drive a Honda CRV with a handicapped tag and a missing spare tire. I am SO hardcore.

I did my very first Dear So and So... :)

Lisa said...

I had a similar experience at the ChurchPunkHouse last night. I had just rocked the baby to sleep, put her in her bed, walked downstairs, sat down to get cozy and the loudest cat EVER tried to crawl up in my lap. It doesn't help that she weighs more than their youngest kid. (maybe more than the youngest two combined)

What is up with animals? They're such divas!

Mitzy said...

Road Rage is the best! I love fridays for the Dear So and So blogs.

Mitzy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ian Newbold said...

Nearly accurate with the Ford Ka comment, except you should advise all SUV drivers to drive straight through and park over and Kas they find.

Tara@Sticky Fingers said...

Don't even get me started on drivers.
Why do people in big posh cars feel they are exempt from indicating? Or being polite.
Have to agree with Braja. I've driven in Italy and oh boy do those guys drive like the world is ending RIGHT THAT MINUTE!

for a different kind of girl said...

Just under five weeks of summer vacation left here...that's about all I have to say about that (mostly because these kids have run me into he ground and it's hard to type when your fingers are barely emerged from the top soil).

W said...

I have often wanted to tell people what I think of their driving. I've had people tailgate me in school zones, bold enough to honk and flash their lights. Conversely I have had the unfortunate experience to get behind people who do 15mph under the limit, creating a bottleneck in traffic.

I've blogged about possible solutions, but in America it's not about to change.

Mostly Politics:

Anonymous said...

lol i hear ya on the road rage! i could write 1823740912837 blogs about that! haha

Love the So and So!! :) I am participating now. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Dear So and so is getting very popular! Apparently we ALL have some rage built up inside us just needing a venue to release...

Bobby G said...

I have EMBRACED dear So & SO as my own! LOVE IT!!!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

God help you if they ever let my daughter drive over there!

Aunt Juicebox said...

One of the advantages of driving an old car is that when people decide to literally park on top of my freaking door, it doesn't bother me in the least if I have to fling my door up against theirs to get into my vehicle. Hope you like aqua colored paint, beaches.

Krystal said...

HAH!!! I remember riding the bus and seeing those people coming at me on the wrong side of the road (to us Americans sorry) and freaking out!!! The ahrdest part for me though was crossing the street - I forgot to look the right way sometimes.

Rebecka said...

Dear Kat,
Many lives have been saved because you give me a healthy place to vent my frustrations.
You're my hero. Thanks!

Toni said...

Haha love those letters. I get pissed off at people driving badly and I don't even have my license :-P

ChurchPunkMom said...

seriously. what is with drivers these days??

Keely said...

I'm a little late to the party, but I played!

I'm scared of driving HERE, never mind on the wrong side of the road with crazy people.

Lendal said...

tried Belgium!!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm thinking our mid-year holidays should go from 2 weeks to 4 weeks. We Aussies will take those extra couple of weeks if you like :P