Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Years Resolutions
I don't usually make resolutions on New Years, but this year I have noticed somethings I really need to improve upon. Some of these things are just minor adjustments that need to be made, others are long term goals that I would like to achieve. All of them are fairly important.
1. When disciplining the girls, yell less, timeout more. Yes, I am a yeller, but I have found that it does me not a lick of good. I could yell till I am blue in the face, but they don't hear me. Timeout actually gets their attention and works when I apply it properly.
2. Work more actively to potty train KiKi and have her potty trained in 6 months. She is 2 and a half now, time to really get to work.
3. Loose 20 or so pounds. Between the move and daily life I have let myself go. I need to focus more on what I am eating and exercise more.
4. Start my work around the house earlier in the day. For some reason around here it takes a lot longer to get the same housework done. Laundry takes twice the time.
5. Be more frugal and cost conscious. In these tough economic times I am going to have to make my buck/pounds stretch further than before. This means, cutting off lights we aren't using, making menus for the weeks meals to avoid wasting money at the commissary, and making tougher decisions between wants and needs.
Well folks, this is my list of resolutions. Nothing groundbreaking, just little things that I feel will make life here at the bungalow run a little more smoothly. What kinds of resolutions did you make for 2009?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Fart is Funny in Any Language
Ok, I am actually telling you guys all this for a reason. You see, KiKi has figured out that farts are funny. Since they are funny, she feels the need to announce all her farts. Does she stop at only announcing them when we are in the room? Nope, she will fart in the living room and then walk into whatever room my husband and I are in to announce it to us (my little princess makes me so proud!). She has also taken to announcing everyone elses farts. This put me in a bit of a situation today.
I was watching Domino's kids for the day because they are out of school on holiday and Domino has to work at the barber shop. Well, I got my gas about an hour after I ate lunch, so that was at around 3pm. I had already been running to the bathroom every five min since I had woke up at 6 (thanks sam kitty for that lovely waking up incident..did I mention that I didn't have on any shoes when I was chasing him?) Well the gas kicked in, and KiKi was sitting right next to me.
KiKi- "Mommy! Fart!"
Me- "You farted?"
KiKi- "No, Mommy fart!"
Domino's kids and LaLa look at me and start laughing. Thanks KiKi. There is nothing like being louded out by a toddler. And yes, I really am afraid to go to bed cause I fear that I might kill my husband in his sleep with my stankness. I might just go sleep with LaLa.
* I actually IM'd Captain Dumbass to see if he thought posting about this would be funny or not.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thankless Cat!
This morning, about 6-ish I got a lovely wake up call. "Kat, Sam got out and I can't find him!" Greeeeat. Thank goodness I went to sleep with track pants on last night... I stumbled out of the bed, got my coat and grabbed the mag-lite from "The Man". Now, this may seem crazy, but we live on a quiet cul-de-sac, but once you get off the cul-de-sac towards the front of my house, there is a busy road. To the back of my house, there is another REALLY busy road, oh and my husband could throw a (American) football and hit the flightline of the Air Force Base we live near (which is a whole other post). Needless to say, it is kind of a priority to find the cat before he gets to far away so he doesn't get squished.
I finally found him after I had checked under all the cars in the cul-de-sac. He had run into the backyard and was stalking around in one of the flowerbeds. I grabbed him and took him inside, while I was also giving him a lecture about the dangers of going outside. Ya know, cause he can so understand me.
I tried to go back to sleep, but that didn't work. So here I am, writing a blog and watching Tom and Jerry. Man, I love that cat.
Friday, December 26, 2008
1st Christmas in England
Cookies and Milk safely on the hearth!
(but Elizabeast got them before Santa got here...thankfully the girls were already asleep)
Look Mom, I'm a princess!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Joy to the World!
Anyways, after church, we are going to come home and let the girls open one present. This is something that my family has always done. After church we always just open a single present, then it is off to bed so that Santa can come.
On Christmas morning we will open all of Santa's presents and the rest of the presents from the family. This might take a while judging by the stack of gifts under my tree. Seriously, it looks like Christmas came into my house and threw up underneath my tree. I am totally not complaining. It is just kinda funny cause I have this little 5 foot tree and it is being overwhelmed by the presents.
After presents, we will pack up the girls and go to Domino's house for Christmas dinner. OK, I am from the south. Dinner to me is anywhere from noon-2pm (supper is at 6 pm when all the northerners are having "dinner")(sorry about the tangent there). Anyhoo, we are going to be keeping it fairly simple this year for Christmas dinner. Ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, corn, rolls, pie.....yeah ok, so it is still gonna be a lot of food. I guess after we finish dinner we will waddle into Domnio's living room and exchange the gifts that we got for each other. By this time it should also be late enough that I can call my family and not wake them up. Of course the idea of calling them at 9am my time also makes me giggle to myself. Can you imagine being on the receiving end of that.
Mom-*phone ringing looking at the clock which says 4am, picks up the phone* *groggy* Hello?
Me- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Kids sing Jinggle Bells for MiMi!
Kids- *singing* Jingle Bells Jingle Bells!
Me-Aren't they great mom?
Mom- I am so going to take you out.
I would be living in fear until I saw her in July. It would sooooo be worth it.
So that is what I am going to be doing this Christmas. What are your plans?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
You Think ya Know Someone...
I mean ya think ya know someone and then they do something that makes you wonder "Who the hell are you and what have you done to my relatively sane husband?"
Him- *Belting out Air Supply at the top of his lungs*
Me- "Are you kidding me?"
Him- "Oh come on! Everyone loves Air Supply!"
Me- "Are you kidding me?"
Him- "This is some classic music right here!"
Me- "If you say so...." *turn my head and roll my eyes*
Now if you actually like Air Supply. I'm sorry. No really, I'm sorry. You are entitled to your crappy music taste as much as "The Man" is, just leave me out of it.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Birthday LaLa!
It has been 5 years since your birth. I still can't believe the nice nurses at the hospital let me leave at age 22 with a baby in my arms. I remember fondly your dad and I walking into our tiny apartment, sheepishly looking at each other and then laughing hysterically saying "dude, we're parents now". That night (Christmas Eve) you stayed up til 5am screaming your little head off and I sat on your bedroom floor crying and hoping that I didn't get a defective one. I now know you aren't defective, you just have a penchant for the over dramatics.
Since that day you have made everyday of your little life dramatic. When you are happy, you make the sun itself shine. When you are upset you make the darkest rain cloud seem just a little more depressive. When you love, you love with every fiber of your being. You are stubborn, you are silly, you are sweet, you are cantankerous. Most of all you are, LaLa. You are my precious first born daughter. I love you baby.
Forever your Mom (whether you like it or not),
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sayings at My House..
1. "Your in some serious Kimchi". This one was brought home courtesy of "The Man". Yes we both know that Kimchi is a Korean food. However around our place it means you are about to be in some serious shit. Example of how this would be used is. "LaLa, you better get in bed or you are gonna be in some serious Kimchi."
2. "Shit the bed" This means something broke. When my washing machine broke. Yeah it shit the bed.
3. "Sneriously" Not a proper word ("The Man" stole it from a work buddy) is a substitute for seriously, but it sounds cooler. Generally means "what the hell!!!".
4. "I hate your face!" Not to be taken literally, this usually is a joke or a substitute for "Sneriously" or "dammit", or a thousand different things. Ex....the remote broke, and "The Man" was holding the remote and pulled it close to his face and said "I hate your face!". If anyone has seen "Grandma's Boy" you will understand.
5. "Leaning forward" In Air Force terms, this means thinking ahead. Just don't lean to far forward or you might fall on your face.
6. "I'm out of beer" This will happen on occasion when my hubby wasn't "leaning forward" (refer to number 5). Just kidding mom...I never run out.....hahahahahahahaha. ( "The Man" added that last part mom... dont' kick my butt).
7. "FAIL" If you do something wrong, you FAIL. "The Man" brought this home from work because he had to evaluate other guys doing their job, and if they screwed up they FAIL. Generally done with a karate chop movement toward the failee.
8. "Off base Commander". This is me. Don't confuse your rank for my authority.
9. "Wifed" When the off base commander (see number 8) says that "The Man" can't do something. Ex. "So you want to go to the bar?"...says a buddy. "Naw...I got wifed...can't go"
10. "Do you want a waffle?" Code for "want to get naked?" Ok now this started when we were living with my mom. We were talking about going out to Waffle House, my mom walked in the room right when "The Man" asked me if I wanted a waffle and my mom said "Ewww don't talk about sex with me around!!" Well we weren't talking about it then..but we are now....
11. "Hey Baby" Usually said with the voice of "Butt-head", see number 10.
12. "For F*&@'s Sake" term that has sprang up from being in England. Ex. It is Tuesday and the cable won't be installed until NEXT Wed. "For F*&@'s Sake!!"
13. "So There I Was"...usually comes at a point where the conversation is about to turn boring or when there is a lull in the conversation. "The Man" also named our family blog that.
14. "Party pooper" Enough said.
15. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I usually get boo'd when I am #14. "The Man's" best friend Mike...yeah he boooo's me all the time.
16. "Turrets" Not the disease or the word per se but sometimes you will hear a cluster of nonrealted explicative thrown together. Usually when "The Man" is assembling a piece of furniture or putting up blinds. Not something for kids ears. "The Man" says to the kids..."put on your earmuffs". Damn Walmart is always crappy instructions or it is missing a part! (sure it is "The Man", sure it is...)
17. "Be Quiet, here comes The Undertaker"...always happens during "Friday Night Smackdown." "The Man" turns up the volume to a very high level on the TV to listen to "Taker's" entrance theme. I groan and leave the room. (I just told him he CAN NOT embed a flippin undertaker youtube video clip). (He is slighly pouting).(OK he wins!)
18. "If it was a snake it would have bit you"...what "The Man" says to me daily when I can't find something that was right in front of me.
19. "Suck it up and be a bulldog" This was stolen from "The Man's" dad from The Citadel Bulldog Football team. Ex. You cut your finger off..."Suck it up and be a Bulldog" He once chose to say this to me during a fight and I didn't talk to him for 3 days.
20. "I've already got one foot in the grave"...."The Man" says this during times when he feels old. Stolen from his dad, it is pessimistic in nature but funny as hell sometimes. Well "The Man" thinks it is funny.......
21. "Is Scrubs on yet?" We love that show...JD and Turk are "The Man's" heroes...right below "Al Bundy" from "Married With Children" (Actually I think "The Man" is actually the real life JD...just wait til Tuesdays post about what happened Friday night...yeah you will so get it then..two words "Air Supply").
(Written together with "The Man" for "poops and giggles")
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Man's Thoughts Vol.I
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!!
1. You can stand up for yourself. Even if you make someone mad, even if you ruffle a few feathers, don't let people walk all over you.
2. The route that seems the shortest on a map isn't always the quickest.
3. It is ok to be different.
4. Have a sense of humor. Things might not work out the way you like, but if you can laugh about it later, then laugh about it now.
5. 12 year old girls are pains in the ass. They like to gossip, talk about boys and are generally not interested in softball practice.
6. How to drive a manual transmission car. Ok well maybe he didn't so much teach me, but he didn't kick my butt when I threw it into neutral, got out and told him "If you can do it so well, then you do it!"
7. Going to a movie by yourself is better than sitting on your butt at home and doing nothing. Even if the movie sucks, at least you got out of the house.
8. Argue til your blue in the face, then argue some more.
9. Even the biggest men are gigantic babies when they are sick.
10. Star Trek is awesome.
11. Star Wars is awesome!
12. Just try everything on your plate, you never know what you might actually like.
13. Miracle Whip is nasty (even though he likes it).
14. If you are in a fight, make sure you get the last lick in.
15. Don't fight someone unless you know you will win.
16. When you hit an animal in the road, make sure you check your tires when you get home to make sure there isn't guts on them.
17. Always root for the Redskins or anyone who is playing against the Cowboys.
18. Soccer is a communist sport because you can't use your hands.
19. Sometimes it is just better to hire someone who knows what they are doing than do it yourself.
20. Palmetto trees need to be planted further away from the driveway than you think they need to be planted (one needs to see my parents driveway to truly understand the enormity of this).
For all these life lessons, Dad, thank you. Oh and "The Man" still says that I follow too closely when I drive and slam on breaks at the last possible second. I totally think he is full of crap. I mean, you taught me how to drive so surely there is no way that I drive like a bat out of hell.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
English Food-1 Kat-0
The next 3 hours I spent tossing and turning, praying for sleep, considering the possibility of murdering my snoring husband and trying to talk myself out of attempting to sleep on the Motel 6 quality living room furniture. Needless to say I got very little sleep lastnight. Caffiene is my friend.
On a side note(s)- Domino literally pulled in my driveway as I was about to go get her birthday present yesterday. I told her "Damnit I was on my way to get your birthday present" and she threatened death upon me if I get her anything. Well I don't listen very I am going to get her a present today. I am thinking either a cute handbag or one of these cute necklaces I saw at the BX on Saturday. So if she kills me, at least she will have a cute handbag or a nice necklace to show for it.
Also, our car has reached England. It is waiting at the ports to clear customs. The Man is heading up to the ports to give them some paperwork today and then we should be able to get it on Friday. You guys remember my car right? The lovely Jeep Compass that I only got to spend 6 days with before I had to put it on a boat to England. The Jeep we were not planning to buy but had to at the last minute because our Jeep Grand Cherokee was leaking like sive and they wouldn't ship it in that condition. Well it is finally here, ahead of schedule, and I am going to get to drive it soon. Now...I just have to figure out how to drive an American car (with the steering wheel on the left hand side of the car) on an English road (very narrow..oh and did I mention they drive on the opposite side of the road). Should be fun right?
*Good considering you have to order your food at the bar because they don't have waitresses. Good considering that you have to get your own drink refills by going to the bar. But the bartenders and one host were really really nice and were prompt with bringing the food to the table.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why Kat Sucks at Buying Birthday Presents
In my defense, it isn't like I haven't THOUGHT about what to get her for her birthday. I have been texting back and forth to Nigel for the past week with us both pondering what to get her. My problem is everytime I go shopping, Domino is with me. It isn't like I can pick something up, put it in my basket and try to hide it from her like I would if she was one of my kids. She is a grown adult, smart as a whip, and I am pretty sure she would catch on. Plus I am just not that sneeky.
So when The Man gets home from work, I am leaving the monsters with him and heading down to Mildenhall to get her the best birthday present ever. Or at least the best birthday present I can find on her birthday and not make it look like I forgot her birthday by getting it to her before 10pm. Yeah. I. Suck.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I guess I should show you guys around the new bungalow. It is a vast improvement on the TLF that we were staying in. I still have hotel like furniture that we are borrowing from the Air Force until our furniture arrives, but it it at least is starting to feel like a real house (even though it is filthy right now because of moving in and such). The new place is a 4 bedroom bungalow (but we will pretend that it is only 3 because bedroom #4 is now going to be the office) and it has a detached finished garage that was used as a rec room by the owner (our landlords), we are going to use that as the "man room". In otherwords when "The Man" decides that it is time to play his guitar at rediculous decible levels, he can go to the "man room" to do so. Right now it is empty and I don't have a picture but once it has something in it and is fully manly I will show you guys!
*and make dinner, so this might take a while...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This award apparently comes with strings attached. I have to tell all you fab people about 5 things that I think are awesome.
5 Awesome Things
1. Bath & Body Coconut Lime lotion and body butter. I smell so good I want to eat myself.
2. My fake Burberry purse. This thing is as big as a suitcase, ya'll. I think I could fit a small child in it if I wanted to.
3. English bacon. Extra super duper yummy. It is wider than American bacon (like three inches wide, whereas American bacon is like an inch wide), and a little thicker sliced, and has a ton less fatty areas on it.
4. Calling a backyard a garden. It sounds so much nicer than yard.
5. Saying Oy! It is kinda like an American saying "Hey" to get someones attention. Example "Oy! Knock it off"
Because I am feeling as generous as Cameron, I am going to pass this on to everyone who reads my blog. Because frankly if you can put up with my drivel you deserve it ;)
Monday, December 8, 2008
I Got MeMe'd
Anyways here is the meme. I am also tagging...Captain Dumbass, Heinous, Badass Geek and Cameron. Daddy bloggers need a manly meme to do.
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
On your mark, get set, GO!
*I technically wrote this on Thursday, but lets pretend ok?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Moving Day!
Just so everyone is aware, I don't know how long it is going to take before I get Internet at the new place, but I posted a couple of things that will post on Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully it doesn't take much longer than that before I am back up and running. Take care everyone!
All the Little Pieces
It was no small feat if you remember correctly. I had the NW agent from hell. This lady was no picnic and it almost took an act of God to actually get my animals into the country. When I called the kennel to see if my animals had made it over to the UK I was actually shocked that they had arrived. Today was finally the day that I could go pick up Sam. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but in order to get everything accomplished to move into the house by Friday, we had to postpone. I felt like such a bad mother calling yesterday and asking Steve, the man who owns the kennel if he would mind keeping my Sammy for another night. He of course said it would be fine and actually suggested it would be better in the long run because they were expecting nasty rain the whole day at the kennel.
Today turned into a lovely drive through the countryside. The kids slept most of the way up to the kennel and we had borrowed a GPS navigation system from a guy who is going to be working in the same shop as my husband, so we had no real worries about getting lost. I got to take a few pictures of the landscape on the way up there, which I figure should keep my mother from pestering me for pictures for about a week. I kid I kid, actually she will be asking for more pictures in about three days.
I have seen a few funny Inn and Pub names here as well. There was the "Farmers Boy Inn", which just kinda sounds a little dirty. Then there was "The Cock" Pub. Now that one made my husbands inner 14 year old come out. He laughed his ass off for a good 2 min after we passed that pub. Then he decided the was gonna call his pub, "The Man's Head", another play on a dirty mind here*. All I do is shake my head, cause what I am I gonna do, I married this guy.
I have had a lot of questions asking how the girls are taking the move, well LaLa is doing alright. She misses a routine most of all I suspect. She, like the rest of us just needs her own space, her own (borrowed) bed, and a place to call her own. KiKi, well, she could care less as long as she has had a nap and has a full belly.
Everyday they fight about who gets to hit the elevator button to go downstairs.
Everyday they fight about who gets to play with what toy. And then sometimes LaLa does something strange like this:
*A lot of pubs are called things like "The Lords Head" or the "Lady's Head", don't ask me why, when I found out I will tell you. Oh and when you buy a pub, you can't change the name. They are passed down traditionally.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Craptastic Craptasticness
I was so angry when we got back to the hotel from our drive to the estate agents office that wasn't, that I called a friend of mine who lives in Sheffield (which is about 3 hours drive from here) and proceeded to bitch about the lack of concern about a schedule that these agents had. Thankfully, I have known this girl for about 4 years and she is well informed about my tendency to overreact. She did have be laughing my ass off telling me about her pitfalls in buying a house. Apparently, my problems with estate agents are not unique. We both had a good laugh about the "it'll do attitude" that I have noticed in England. Oh and the fact that most (older) public toilets have two spouts of water in the sinks, one for hot the other for cold, so you can't get warm water. You burn then freeze you hands while you wash them. My four year old, she isn't liking that approach for washing her hands. Go figure. More adjustments to be made to suit myself for English life. Don't worry guys, I'll get the hang of it.
Oh Tismee, I drew a diagram of what I think you were talking about in your American driving situation. In this case, car A (the blue one), would have the right of way should they meet at the intersection at the same time. This is because the road car A is on is considered the "main road" in the car park (parking lot).

A note to my Brit readers, I was in no way complaining about England, but we sincerely had a really terrible day today. When you think you are finally going to get the keys to the house and find out on the way to the to the appointment that you are not, it is extremely frustrating. I just want to be in my own house, in my own (borrowed) bed, and not having to deal with the maids every day and their lack of leaving toilet paper (for which I have had to hunt them down in the middle of the day for).
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh on Wed. I have my "driving class" which is a 3 hour class that explains British road rules. Then I get an endorsement on my license that allows me to drive in England legally. I have been driving here on my regular license because we are allowed to do so for 30 days until we can get into the class. Oh and roundabouts don't scare me much anymore. Once you do them a few times, they are less confusing. The Man's driving however, still scares the crap out of me. I don't know how many times I have said "curb curb curb" to him while we are headed down the road. Of course he says my driving scares the crap out of him too. Maybe it is just something about being a passenger in an English car, cause the cabbies driving on Thanksgiving scared me too and he was a native.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Soggy Sunday Morning
It is a nice chilly and quite soggy sunday morning here in England. I think it is somewhere near 40 degrees outside and very cloudy. I think it must have rained earlier, but I wasn't awake to see that event. In any case I think most of my day is going to be spent indoors, not at the hotel hopefully, but indoors in any case. Yesterday we spent all day inside the hotel, well when we weren't hunting for the blue folder that has been lost in the mix of shuffling between here and D's house. There was nothing EXTREMELY important in the folder, it is just annoying to lose something and my husband got his OCD on and was hunting for it all day long.
Anyhoo, last night we were completely bored and not at all tired after the girls went to sleep. I suggested watching a movie, he wasn't feeling it. Next thing I know this game was on the computer screen. Flight of the Hamsters? Yes. I was in stitches laughing at this game. Concept of the game is to get the cute little goggle wearing hamster to fly as far as possible, using the rockets, hamster balls, and springs to your favor. I am serious folks.
Speaking of hamsters. I am not really a fan. I used to work in a pet store when I was in college and those little bastards are mean. When I used to place the food dish in the cage of the little Siberian Dwarf Hamsters, those little wolves would cirlcle my hand like it was a Christmas ham. I took to wearing a gardening glove when I would feed the hamsters in order to prevent their little rat razor teeth from biting me. I used to try to get people to buy gerbils instead of hamsters because I thought that the hamsters were so vile.
Couple of Things About England that I am Befuddled by:
-OK, I understand that their is a law that you can not have any type of drink while you are driving in England, but seriously, no cup holders? Last night I went to get dinner for my husband and I (the kids had had chicken nuggets) and I had 2 drinks to get home. I ended up carrying one drink between my legs and holding the other one on top of the emergency break while driving and hoping that I didn't A) spill either drink in my lap and in the rental car and B) wreck the rental car on the way back to the hotel. I made it back to the hotel with both car and cups intact but I couldn't help to think that this would have been a whole lot easier if there had been at least one cup holder.
-The toilets here have a button on the back of them to flush not a little handle on the side. I keep reaching for the side of the toilet to flush. Oh and some of the buttons are split in half. Push one half to do a little flush, push both to do a big flush. I guess 1 for #1 and 2 for #2.
I got an award from Mama Dawg over at Two Dogs Running. Thanks MD! This award apparently comes with rules. You know how I feel about rules, but since Mama asked nicely I will comply.

The qualifications to receive the award are:
A. Display a cheerful attitude. (Umm if you say so..)
B. Love one another. (I guess I can try..)
C. Make mistakes. (All the damn time)
D. Learn from others. (Why do you think I read so many blogs?)
E. Be a positive contributor to the blog world. (I am a contributor, not all of it is positive, but I contribute none the less)
F. Love life. (yes please!)
G. Love kids. (Mine yes, but sometimes only because the law says I have to)
The Rules:
1. Must link it back to the creator.
2. Post the rules.
3. Choose 5 people to give it to.
4. Recipients must fill the characteristics above.
5. Create a post to share this.
6. You must thank the winner.
The five people I give this to are, Tismee2 from Squared Off, Jenni from Oscarelli, Miss Grace from Miss Grace's Disgrace, Cameron over at Get The Stink Off and Cape Cod Gal from Diamond in the Rough.
Is this enough Sunday morning radomness for you guys. Good, I'm exhausted. Time for a nap.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving in England
There were 15 people in attendance. D and her husband M, their 2 kids, Alistair and his wife Melanie*, their 2 kids, N and L who work with D at the barbershop, The Man and I, KiKi and LaLa, and T (who's husband is in Texas right now for some Air Force school). Alistair, Melanie, N, and L are all English and this was their first Thanksgiving celebration.
Dinner started around 6pm in order for our English friends to get off of work in order to come over for dinner. Since this is an American holiday, of course they don't have the day off from work like all the Americans around here. There was a lot of good conversation, a few pints had by all (or wine), and of course the oohing and ahhing over the shere amount of food that was available. The kids had a great time playing together and when D broke out the ginormous bag of leftover Halloween sweets I thought all hell was going to break loose. Alistairs youngest girl is almost as hyperactive as LaLa and doesn't have an off switch. We added candy into this mix. Then we warned Alistair. His response was classic "Thanks for that" as he lifted his pint.
The celebration broke up around 9:30 and we caught a cab back to the hotel around 10:00pm. Thankfully the cabbie seemed very knowledgable of the base and took us directly to the hotel. We lugged all of our car seats, bags and children back to the room and then watched some American football on the Armed Forces Network. My husband and I caught most of the Dallas game and then a little bit of the Phillidelphia game. We ended up finally passing out around 2am.
I think this Thanksgiving proves one thing. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, as long as you have good food, good friends, and good conversation you can have a fabulous time. Also if you add a pint or two into the mix, it is always a good idea to catch a cab, no matter what country you are in. Happy Post Thanksgiving to Everyone! I hope you are all as blessed this holiday season as I have been. Cheers.
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent, or not so innocent depending on who you speak to.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
101 Things about Me for my 101st post...
1. Birthdate Feb 24
2. That makes me 27 years old.
3. My natural hair color is brown.
4. My hair color now is red. (sorry mom)
5. I have 2 kids. LaLa is 4. KiKi is 2.
6. I have a cat, Sam, he is orange and white.
7. I have a dog, Elizabeth, she is a blond cocker spaniel.
8. My favorite color is pink.
9. I am not one of those people who will only wear their favorite color, or decorates their house in their favorite color.
10. I think those people are kinds weird and may need help. Sorry if you are one of those people.
11. My husband is in the Air Force. I don't let my husbands job define me like some Air Force Wives though.
12. I just finished my degree in Technical Management with an emphasis in Human Resources.
13. I left traditional college when I was 21 years old and only had about 36 hours of courses left.
14. My original degree was going to be International Business with a minor in Russian Studies.
15. I thought my mom was going to kill me when I left school.
16. I moved to Texas to be with my husband..that is why I left school.
17. I had every intention to go back to school when we moved to Missouri, but then I found out I was pregnant.
18. 2 kids later and I finally went back to school.
19. Now that we are in England I am going to have to get a "real" job and not be a stay at home mom anymore.
20. I feel guilty that I am going to have to put KiKi in daycare.
21. But I am excited that I am going to be able to have conversations with adults during the day.
22. I love my children, but I have little patience with other people kids...well except for my friends kids, usually.
23. I think this is because I used to work in a daycare.
24. I also have worked at an accounting office for a senile old man.
25. He fired me on my birthday because he needed someone full time in the office and I could only work part time because of school.
26. My best friend is, D.
27. She is the yin to my yang. When I freak out, she talks me back off the ledge.
28. My husband is also my best friend. He is a little OCD and apparently moving brings out the OCD in him. He lost 62 cents the other day, and he is still looking for it. "What if I lost it on the flight line and it got sucked up into the engine of a plane" This is what I am dealing with folks! LOL!
29. My favorite soda in the entire world is Cherry Coke Zero. They don't have that here in England.
30. I am totally bummed out that they don't have Cherry Coke Zero here...not even at the commissary.
31. I have switched to Diet Dr. Pepper, but it just isn't the same.
32. Man, I sound like a drug addict.
33. I get weirded out by people who start crying in front of me.
34. I am really not good with emotions.
35. I also am not a hugger.
36. I only hug my family and really good friends unless there is a circumstance where I am forced to hug someone or look like a complete jerk.
37. I talk to my mom and my granny almost every single day. They get worried if I don't call at least every other day.
38. If I don't call them, I get worried messages left on my voicemail saying things like "Kat, it's your granny, I haven't heard from you in a couple of days, call me back." or "Kat, it's your mom. Where are you?" Or I check my cell phone and I have 9 missed calls from my mom in the span of 4 hours.
39. My mom and granny both read this blog. They will probably deny #38. It is true though.
40. My favorite moment of the day is catching one of my kids in bed and getting to wake them up gently and cuddle with them. LaLa is especially good at this. Of course then she will whisper "Tickle Me" when we are cuddling and it makes me laugh every time.
41. I miss my friends back in Missouri and my friends back in Charleston.
42. I am grateful for the friends who stay in touch.
43. I believe that a new hair cut, a new pair of shoes or a new purse can fix almost any problem.
44. I am really glad I got a hair cut yesterday. It came at the perfect time.
45. I am not good at worrying about money BTW.
46. I don't think my daughter should get gypped out of a really special birthday just because her birthday is 3 days before Christmas.
47. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
48. I think gifts are secondary to being with family or friends that you love.
49. This is only going to be the 2nd Christmas that I will not be in Charleston for. It sucks big time.
50. I am also praying that I have my own furniture before Christmas. Actually that in itself just might be a Christmas miracle.
51. My favorite Christmas song is "Sweet Little Jesus Boy"
52. My favorite Christmas song used to be "Oh Holy Night" until this girl at church kept butchering it every year for like 5 years. My mom and I would sit in the pew and try not to laugh every year. My granny would shoot us evil eye. Hey, you guys have your Christmas/Holiday traditions, I have mine.
53. I kinda like being 5 hours ahead of the Eastern time zone now, because it lets me write my blog posts in more time. I can post by 3 pm GMT and still have by post up by 7am eastern time. Booyah!
54. I am really needing that time today because this 101 facts is really time consuming.
55. The last book I read was "The Christmas Sweater" by Glenn Beck. I think everyone should read it. It had me crying on the plane on the way over here. It isn't just a tired old story about Christmas.
56. It is really hard to cry quietly on a plane and not be noticed. I really didn't want to look like a nut job. I apologize to any fellow passengers on the plane who I may have offended or scared.
57. I love riding on planes. I hate the safety briefing though. I mean really, do they think that I am actually going to use that seat cushion as a floatation device.
58. When I see someone pass me on the highway at double the speed limit I feel angry at them and bad for them. I have actually said "When they wreck they better hope they die, because they won't want to live after wrecking at that speed."
59. I try not to go more than 5 mph over the speed limit.
60. I think that is because I have kids now and I am more careful with everything I do now.
61. Before I had kids, I was a speed demon.
62. I no longer feel the need for an adrenaline rush. I value my life a lot more now.
63. I do get angry at people who don't at least DO the speed limit though.
64. I always seem to get stuck behind this person, when I am running late no less.
65. Sometimes my husband is THAT person. He blames it on having to drive 15 MPH on the flight line.
66. My favorite material possession is my engagement ring.
67. I use my parents and my grandparents as my moral compasses. I often think about what they would think before I do things. I still dyed my hair red. Sorry Mom.
68. My eyes are green.
69. I feel compelled to write something naughty right here, but I won't. That would be so cliche'.
70. My dream vacation destinations are Greece and Russia.
71. I think I will get to Greece one day. I am no so sure about Russia.
72. My favorite saying I heard on Oprah. It is "Trying is failing with honor. Never try, just do it."
73. I hate watching Oprah.
74. Have I ever mentioned that I am a conservative?
75. I didn't vote this year.
76. I feel guilty about not voting. I don't think my vote would have made a difference. I feel guilty about the apathy I had towards voting this year. I really didn't like either candidate very much.
77. Have I ever mentioned that I am glad that I will be living in England for the next 4 years.
78. I am not pissed off that Barak Obama won. I just hope he does the best job he can. I think partisanship has torn the US apart.
79. I am not a fan of Housing Offices on Air Force Bases. They always prove to be a pain in the ass. It doesn't matter what base you are on.
80. Arbitrary rules piss me off.
81. Sometimes I need a time out.
82. I think I am a better driver than my husband. He begs to differ.
83. I can drive stick shift. Sorta. If I have to.
84. I think it is a good skill to have, just in case.
85. I know how to do a lot of things in theory, but have never actually done them.
86. For example. I know how to mow grass. I just have never done it. That is what dads, little brothers and husbands, and good friends are for.
87. I know how to change a tire, in theory. See #86 for the reason I have never done it and add friendly bystanders as another reason.
89. My dad is hillarious and befuddles me with his logic sometimes. Hi Dad.
90. I like to visit my parents at their offices. It is fun to meet their co-workers or talk to the ones I already know. Hi Sandy.
91. My favorite movies are Labrynth, the Princess Bride, Shawn of the Dead, Grandma's Boy, and Army of Darkness.
92. I hate the movie Baseketball with a passion.
93. I will walk out of the room if my husband is watching it.
94. I will also remind him that he will never get that 2 hours of his life back.
95. I do not think pajama pants are acceptable attire for grocery shopping. Ever.
96. I prefer to wear my hair down and straight, but sometimes my hair has other ideas and that is when I throw it up into a ponytail.
97. My hair is naturally curly.
98. My eating habits are questionable. Sometimes I skip meals and then other times I eat everything in sight that isn't nailed down all day.
99. I love my kids more than myself. You guys probably already knew that.
100. I can usually write a blog post in 20 min, though they usually aren't very good when I write that fast.
101. I hate when I try to be witty or funny and end up just looking stupid. It happens. A lot.
Ok I feel I have satisfied my obligation as a blogger to spill my 100 facts about me now. Feel free to comment or discuss amongst yourselves.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Quick Funny Story
Monday, November 24, 2008
Driving in England a.k.a. Roundabouts and Give Ways
We had been here about 5 days when we decided that not having a car was just not an option anymore. Sure we could walk around the base, but in order to get to D's house we had to call her or her husband to come pick us up and frankly it was getting exhausting for all parties involved. I hate having to depend on others, she was getting behind in her everyday activities, and we couldn't fit all members of both families into one car.
Finally on Thursday my husband, the kids and I walked our behinds down the the local base car rental office and paid entirely too much money to rent a shoe on wheels, I mean car. We rented a VW Polo, with an automatic transmission and UK specs. In other words it has its steering wheel on the right hand side of the car.
Now at this point I have been riding with D all over the area for days. I am pretty used to what it feels like in a UK spec'd car. The Man, well he had been at work for most of the week and then on Wed. he was struck down by the 24 hour stomach virus from hell. He was still not up to snuff on Thursday when we went to go rent the car, and had not had much time in a UK spec'd car or riding around learning the rules of the road. So what possessed me to let him be the first one to drive the car is still beyond me. I am not saying it was the worst decision ever made in the history of the earth, but it might be right up there on the list.
So there we are sitting in the parking lot of the rental company, armed with a map of the surrounding area outside of base, a map of the base, and a vague idea of where the base hotel is. We just need to get to the base hotel. Not hard, right? Yeah, that is what I thought. So wrong, so so very wrong. The Man inches out onto the road, left hand side. Good. We head down the road at a turtles pace and I am telling him the directions to get back to the hotel. Everything seems to be going fine.
Me- "Now we need to take the 2nd exit on the roundabout to get onto this road to head back to the hotel"
Him- *confused* "What? Do we need to go left, right or straight?"
By this time we are entering the roundabout and he takes the first exit to the left and we are heading off of the base into the English countryside. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
Him- "Damnit Kat, you didn't tell me which way to go!"
Me- "Ummm yeah I did, you just didn't listen buddy."
Him- "Oh great, now what do we do?"
Me- "Dude, just turn around."
Now we are heading down the road towards one of the towns near base, but I couldn't tell you which one, because the map of the local area...yeah it sucks. I get him to pull over onto a little road so that we can turn around. Then I realize that I have left my ID to get back on base in my purse which is in the trunk of the car...ya know, cause going off base wasn't exactly in the plan. He pulls to the side of the road, I hop out like we are doing a chinese fire drill and grab my purse out of the trunk.
Me-"Ok now go. Remember, pull out onto the LEFT hand side of the road."
Him- "I know that much."
Me- "Alright. I was just reminding you. I mean it isn't like you have had so much experience driving or riding around."
Him- "It doesn't help that the roads are only 3 feet wide."
Me-"They aren't 3 feet wide, it just feels like it."
We head back down the road, me clenching the door handle so tight my knuckles are turning white and praying we don't hit the little curbs on the side of the road and flip the car. Lucky to be alive, we make it back to the base.
Me- "Ok now when we get to the roundabout, just take the first exit. That should take us back towards the room."
On the way back we hit a four way stop intersection*. Now that is something my husband can deal with. This whole looking for cars coming at you, paying attention to turn signals and guessing where the car you are merging in front of is going thing. My husband, I don't know if he is gonna catch onto it really quickly. He has already tried to kill me roughly 4 times since he has been driving.
To quote my husband when we got back to the room a couple days later after yet another near miss at a roundabout where he tried to kill us all. "I love the feeling of almost dying everyday. It really makes you feel alive."
For the record the first time I drove here. It was dark, a Friday night, and I made it there without one near death experience and the kids were screaming and talking the whole way. I am not saying I am a better driver than him, but ya know, I didn't almost kill anyone.
*These are the only stop signs on base. Anywhere you would think there would be stop signs are roundabouts or give ways. Also, give way does not mean stop. It is basically a yield sign.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
In England!
Thankfully we won't have to stay here for very long because we have already found a house that we want to rent. We are just waiting for the OK from the landlord to have pets. It is a cute little detached house (to Americans that is a single family house), with 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathrooms, and a detached garage that had been turned into a play room by the previous family. The Man is going to use the garage for his "Man Cave", in other words a place for him to go play guitar and be a man. Why do I all of a sudden hear that Home Improvement guy Tim Allen?
My new love is also Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bars. Someone will have to try to pry on of these suckers out of my cold dead PMSing hands. Hershey ain't got nothing on Cadbury chocolate. Whitmans, kiss my hiney. Mars...pfft. Cadbury is where it is at. Maybe I should have a contest for a chocolate bar...I need to think about this one.
This week was also marked by the 24 hour stomach virus from hell. First KiKi got a little diarhea and the next thing we know, The Man is laid up in bed for the next day and a half going at both ends, KiKi starts puking her guts up and then D's family all get it. Thankfully Me, LaLa and D were all spared from the virus. D felt a little queasy on Friday, but never actually got sick and I felt a little queasy this morning. When The Man and KiKi were sick I was feverishly Lysoling the bathroom and kitchen repeating the mantra "I will not get sick, I will not get sick, I will not get sick" I think it worked. Mind over matter, right people?
*Need to think of a nickname for best friend D
** Don't know enough about new English friend,N, to make a nickname for him yet.
*** For another post
**** see above.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Words of Wisdom from OhCaptain
Howdy! My name is OhCaptain (no it's not, but this is the Internet). Kat asked me to guest post for her while she takes her family across the pond. Wow! What on honor. Thanks for the opportunity!
When I agreed to do this, she gave me a topic and asked if it was OK. What's the topic? (it's in the title...geez)
Seemed like a pretty broad topic with lots of room to wiggle. Just my style. As a very experienced know it all husband and father of two, I got to experience the absolute hell joy of traveling by air on a one week vacation this past summer.
I have gone in spurts at work when it comes to traveling. There have been times when I didn't want to unpack because the next trip was right around the corner. Now, I'm on a stretch when I never seem to leave the office.
Here are some helpful hints that I discovered that made our trip a success.
Practice Makes Perfect
I can remember my first business trip by air after 9/11. These new checkpoint rules were confusing and some just seemed really weird.
When we started getting ready for this trip, this experience made me think. What are the kids going to do when we get to the checkpoints? How will they react when we are told to remove our shoes. I'm a grown up and that seemed really weird to me.
With that in mind, me and the Mrs talked about what was going to happen with the kids and even practiced a little bit about going through security. We used a doorway as a metal detector and took off our shoes to walk through.
This really helped, when we got there, we had no surprises and the kids just did everything like we practiced.
Some little things to consider when getting the kids ready for the checkpoints:
- Have the kids wear slip on shoes. You may not have time for a beginner to tie their shoes.
- Pack all electronics in one bag and make sure you can unpack and repack them quickly.
- We packed those Kool-ade to go packets that you add to water bottles. Sure, $3 for water is ridiculous, but what you gonna do. You can't bring through security.
Study Your Itinerary Carefully
I'm a planner. I like to plan for spontaneity. Being prepared when you travel is critical for smooth sailing.
I'm not rich, so traveling direct is not always an option. Layovers happen and it's best to know what to expect.
For our trip, we changed planes both ways. We figured an hour or two might be fun with the kids. We could go exploring some airport and do things we've never done before. As it turns out, that wasn't in the cards for us. In fact, on the trip home from vacation, we had 35 minutes to cross 5 terminals at ATL in Atlanta.
Yikes. Knowing this ahead of time gave us chance to make some plans. We packed extra light carry-ons for the trip home. Nothing extra. In a pinch, Dad (me) could carry almost everything, including the 5 year old, and high tail it across the airport.
You Can't Pack Too Many Crayons
Traveling cross country by air takes time. Granted, in our case, it was much faster then the 3 day drive it would be if we hopped into the minivan, but it still 4 hours of being good sitting in one spot.
In the kids carry-on's we packed:
- Lots of crayons
- Coloring books
- Mp3 Players
- Leapster/Nintendo DS
- Extra batteries
- Books for reading
- Blankies
- Something to hug
- Snacks
- Notebook
- Pencils
I was so proud of our kids. It seemed to be the right mix. We did take out a little insurance policy. We bough each one a new game. We gave it to them just before we left and neither knew they were getting it.
So, how did our trip go? We had a blast. The kids loved traveling by air and we the parents found it a very relaxing way to go.
I know, not everything is going to always go as planned. Flights can be canceled, luggage can be lost, but if you plan ahead and don't put too much pressure on yourself, you can have some fun.